UNDIP and DPR RI Held Socialization of the Independent Campus Internship at the People’s House of DPR RI

Thursday (17/3) – Supporting the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology program regarding the Free Learning – Independent Campus Program, Diponegoro University (UNDIP) and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia held an online socialization of “Independent Campus Internship at the People’s House of DPR RI” (Kampus Merdeka Magang di Rumah Rakyat DPR RI) on Thursday, 17 March 2022. 2022 is the second year of the implementation of DPR RI’s MDRR Program, where in 2021 the origin universities that are members of this program are Diponegoro University, University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Padjadjaran University and other universities in Indonesia.

“Students are expected to show enthusiasm because this internship program is very useful for increasing comprehensive knowledge. Thank you to the committee and resource persons who share useful information for students,” said Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., in his opening speech for this event.

The national internship program called Parliament Internship Program is strongly supported by the Indonesian Minister of Education. Held for 21 weeks starting from 1 August – 23 December 2022, the Parliament Internship Program has 900 JP which can be converted to lecture credits. The competencies developed include general competencies in the form of integrity, communication, cooperation and orientation to results as well as special competencies (according to formation).

Internship students will get the opportunity for public lectures, hearings, observations, internships, simulations and evaluations. Facilities obtained by interns include pocket money and accommodation, ID cards, certificates, health services, library access and sports facilities.

The DPR RI will select 200 participants from registrants throughout Indonesia who will later be placed in 14 pro pattern positions according to their respective majors. The general requirements for the Parliament Internship Program include undergraduate students in semester 5 or 7, have never been a participant in the 2021 DPR RI MDRR, a minimum GPA of 3.00, study program accreditation at least B (PTN/PTS), and not be a member or party administrator.

“Students can learn a lot here, as agents of change, they can observe and learn firsthand the functions of legislation, budgeting and supervision. Especially in the modern parliamentary era where people can voice their ideas through the Secretary General of the DPR RI,” said Dr. Dewi Barliana S., M.Psi., QIA as the Head of the Secretariat General of the Republic of Indonesia’s Training and Education Center who was the resource person in this socialization.

“As a partner of the Ministry of Education and Culture, this is our communication strategy to convey information to the public through students. Hopefully this year many UNDIP students will take part in the DPR RI’s MDRR Program, we will learn together to hone global capabilities for a more advanced NKRI,” added Dewi Barliana.

Nuryanto, S.Gz., M.Gizi as moderator said that in 2021, UNDIP sent 24 students to take part in the DPR RI’s MDRR Program. It is hoped that this year more UNDIP students will be able to join the program. The study program will determine the conversion of JP. If the students cannot achieve 20 credits, they can take special MBKM courses.

The selection of participants is done online through several stages, namely administrative selection, general knowledge test, academic potential test & work attitude test, and interview. During the pandemic, internship activities will be carried out in a blended learning manner, however offline attendance is still welcome almost every day. Registration can be done through https://kampusmerdeka.kemdikbud.go.id/ or Instagram @pusdiklat.dprri for more information. (Titis – Public Relations)


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