Dr. dr. M. Heru Muryawan SpA(K) (Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP): Maintain Fluid Needs, So Children’s Kidneys are Healthy

In recent times, cases of acute kidney disorders mostly attack children aged 0 to 18 years. Noting the increase in acute kidney disorders, the Ministry of Health acted quickly to inform all parents to stay alert and not panic, especially when children experience symptoms that lead to acute kidney disease. The Ministry of Health together with BPOM, Epidemiologists, IDAI, Pharmacologists and Puslabfor Polri are still conducting comprehensive examinations and researching laboratories to ascertain the exact cause and risk factors that cause acute kidney disorders.

Based on the phenomenon that occurred regarding Cases of Acute Kidney Failure in Children, the Ministry of Health has issued a Decree of the Director General of Health Services Number HK.02.02/I/3305/2022 regarding the Management and Clinical Management of Atypical Progressive Acute Kidney Injury in Children in Health Care Facilities. The Ministry of Health has also issued Circular Letter Number SR.01.05/III/3461/2022 concerning Obligations for Epidemiological Investigation and Reporting of Atypical Progressive Acute Kidney Injury in children addressed to all health offices, health facilities, and professional organizations.

Dr. dr. Muhammad Heru Muryawan SpA(K), Consultant of Pediatric Nephrology (Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University) said that a new incident began in August 2022, attacking children (aged 0 to 18 years) with an increasing number of cases and spread in some areas in Indonesia. The correct designation is not kidney failure but Acute Kidney Disorder (GnGA or AKI) while the current Atypical Progressive Kidney Disorder (gnGAPA or AP-AKI).

“The main signs and symptoms are reduced urination, both in frequency and amount. The symptoms can be preceded by general signs such as diarrhea, fever, cold stones. The most important thing is to always keep the total fluid intake into the child’s body. Liquids can be in the form of drinks and foods with soup, fluid needs in children range from 50-100 cc/kg body weight. Sufficient fluid to make normal kidney function is characterized by normal urination. Meanwhile, for early treatment by checking the child to the nearest health facility or the nearest doctor,” explained dr. Heru.

“Until now there have been no reports of food and drink as a cause of Acute Kidney Disease, but what needs to be considered is that parents pay more attention to their children, health workers are more alert and continue to increase knowledge about ARF, the public remains calm, able to choose reliable news. in the media. Institutions should provide continuous education, and hope that Allah will soon eliminate these cases,” he concluded. (Lin – Public Relations)

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