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UNDIP Provides Free Medical Treatment in Wlahar Village, Brebes Regency

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Diponegoro University carried out free medical activities at the Wlahar Village Hall, Larangan District, Brebes Regency. The activities were held on Saturday and Sunday, October 28 -29, 2023.

This activity is one of the implementations of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education through the implementation of community service programs in the form of providing health services. The community service is proof of Undip’s concern for contributing to the surrounding community.

The aim of the free medical community service program activity is to provide health services to residents of the Wlahar village area, Larangan District, Brebes Regency, which involves 5 sub-villages with a total of 150 residents. Considering the condition of the community, which is in dire need, of course, this program is expected to have a positive impact on community members.

In his remarks, Deputy Head of Research Prof. Dr. Agus Subagio, S.Si., M.Si. hopes this activity will provide enthusiasm for the implementation team to help residents in need.

“Health checks are done to check and control health. Undip will help solve residents’ health problems so that everyone is healthy. Hopefully, this activity will bring blessings to the residents served and also to Undip,” he said.

Meanwhile, dr. Abdul Mughni M.Si. Med., Sp.B-KBD, as the activity coordinator, expressed his thanks to all community service volunteers, doctors, health workers and nurses, medicine teams, education staff, and students who have been involved in free medical service activities in Wlahar Village.

“Cultivating good relationships between health workers and the community is important for curing community illnesses,” concluded Dr. Mughni. (LW – Public Relations)

Undip health worker examined one of the residents at Wlahar Village Hall, Larangan District, Brebes Regency, Sunday (29/10).
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