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FKM UNDIP Formed Laskar Besti

The Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University (FKM Undip) has succeeded in initiating the formation of a Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DBD) control forum in public places and is fully funded by the One Health Research and Training Award, SEAOHUN 2023. An initiative of the Faculty of Public Health in Semarang City to form Dengue control forums in public places is a critical first step in controlling dengue fever.

In this effort, the Faculty of Public Health uses a One Health system approach, which emphasizes the importance of relationships between related parties in controlling dengue fever. However, there are still weaknesses in networking between sectors, and there is no collaborative networking in dealing with dengue fever that operates at community bases such as schools, tourism sites, mosques, and other public places. In fact, these places have the potential to be breeding places for vectors and places where dengue infection occurs.

Dr. Ir. Martini, M.Kes., the Project Leader, said, “Multisector and multiaction strategies are needed to prevent dengue fever using a One Health approach. The task of control is not only borne by the Health sector but also across sectors and between parties so that everyone can understand that disease control, especially dengue fever, can be carried out together according to their respective roles.”

In order to increase linkages between sectors in tackling dengue fever, networking collaboration in community bases such as schools, tourism sites, mosques and other public places is very important. The collaboration will strengthen the One Health approach to controlling dengue fever and ensure that disease control, especially dengue fever, can be carried out jointly in accordance with the role of each sector.

The forum that was formed was named Laskar Besti, which stands for Bersama Berantas Jentik. Laskar Besti is a group of people who have the responsibility to inspect, monitor and eradicate mosquito nests and larvae, mainly Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, specifically in public places such as schools, markets, tourist attractions, stations, terminals and places of worship (Churches, Mosques, Temple, Vihara). Laskar Besti membership consists of the managers or people in charge of each public place.

On December 19, 2023, Laskar Besti was officially inaugurated directly by the Head of the Semarang City Health Service, Dr. dr. Mochamad Abdul Hakam, Sp.PD. Previously, for two consecutive days, Laskar Besti members were given training regarding dengue fever, vectors of spread, countermeasures, and how to be a good Laskar Besti. Apart from that, the Laskar Besti candidates also practiced directly on how to conduct larva surveys at their breeding sites and input the results into the reporting system at the Semarang City Health Office. Laskar Besti will also take part in dealing with dengue fever cases in Semarang City, in line with the programs that the Semarang City Government has created.

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