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Celebration of the 67th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law UNDIP

Tuesday (9/01), the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University held a Scientific Oration entitled “Moving Progressively to Create Legal Harmony: Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045” as the opening of a series of events held at the celebration of the 67th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law Undip. This Scientific Oration was held in the Fiat Justicia Room, 3rd Floor, Samiadji Soerjotjaroko Building, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University.

The Scientific Oration for the 67th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law was opened with remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum., who delivered a presentation on the One Year Achievements of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. In 2023, the Faculty of Law Undip was ranked 171st in Asia and 910th in the world. The Faculty of Law Undip was also in the Top 10 Best Law Universities, according to Edurank 2023.

In remarks by the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., he was grateful for the celebration of the 67th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law Undip, which went smoothly and gave hope that the Faculty of Law Undip will always be successful, increasingly prosperous, and always under the protection of God Almighty.

Simultaneously with the Scientific Oration event, the Samiadji Soerjotjaroko, S.H. building was also inaugurated. The signing of an inscription by the Undip Rector and the Dean of the Faculty of Law Undip symbolically marked the inauguration. This signing was also attended and witnessed by representatives of the family of the late Samiadji Soerjotjaroko, S.H.

As the highlight of the 67th Anniversary Scientific Oration, the Faculty of Law Undip featured orators from three Faculty of Law Undip lecturers, namely Dr. Drs. Agus Sarono, M.H., who conveyed about “Building Sharia Bank Customer Responses from a Socio-Legal Perspective”; Dr. Ery Agus Priyono, S.H., M.Si. with a material entitled “Portrait of a Standard Franchise Agreement in Indonesia (When the Spirit Leaves the Body)”; and Dr. Amiek Soemarni, S.H., M.Hum. who discussed “National Resilience Challenges and Strategies in Fisheries Management in the Border Areas of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.”

The event continued with the presentation of plaques to the invited speakers by the Dean of the Faculty of Law Undip, followed by the cutting of the Dies Natalis tumpeng by the Dean, which was presented to the most senior lecturer, Prof. Dr. Yusriyadi, S.H., M.S. The tumpeng was handed over to the youngest lecturer, Muhammad Ramdan, S.H., M.H. The Scientific Oration ended with the handing over of mementos to Lecturers and Teaching Staff who had retired.

The 67th Anniversary activities will take place from January to July 2024, consisting of Scientific Oration on January 9; The Celebration of Dies Natalis, which includes the Progressive Voice Competition and Table Tennis Competition in January; Pilgrimage in January; Anjangsana in February; Healthy Walk in May; and ending with a National Seminar in July 2024. (Sudanta, Astri / Public Relations)

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