UNDIP, Semarang (February 13) – A total of 190 students of Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) Community Service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata / KKN) Team I for the 2024/2025 academic year, spread across Pekalongan Regency, held a Gelar Karya event titled “KKN Berkarya: Membangun Desa, Mewujudkan Asa” (Building Village, Creating Dream) on Wednesday, February 11, 2025, at the Wiradesa District Office. This event served as a platform for community service students to present their work, programs, and innovations. It featured products from Pekalongan Regency, reflecting the potential and contributions made in 20 villages within the Tirto and Wiradesa districts.
Representing the Head of Wiradesa Subdistrict, Saiful Bahri, S.IP., M.Si., as the Subdistrict Secretary, expressed his gratitude to all parties, especially UNDIP students and faculty members, for their dedication to community service. He emphasized that the community service students’ efforts in Wiradesa and Tirto Districts have had a positive impact on local communities.
Saiful emphasized that whatever the UNDIP community service students had done while carrying out their community service among the villagers in Wiradesa and Tirto sub-districts, Pekalongan district, had a positive impact on everyone.”We hope that the exhibition project represents only a fraction of the outstanding community service programs and innovations. Our wish is that these innovations from UNDIP community service students bring tangible benefits to society,” Saiful stated.
Meanwhile, Jati Ariati, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Psychology, UNDIP, affirmed that the community service program is a tangible contribution from UNDIP to the community. She highlighted that UNDIP’s presence must continue to benefit local communities and stakeholders, mainly as the university operates Off-Campus Study Programs (Program Studi Diluar Kampus Utama / PSDKU) in Batang, Pekalongan and Jepara regencies.
Jati also extended her gratitude to all parties involved in supporting the UNDIP community service program. “We hope the collaboration between UNDIP and the Pekalongan Regency government continues smoothly in the future,” she said.
The Chairperson of the Community Service Exhibition Committee, Dhira Adhikara, representing the students, expressed hopes that the showcased community service flagship programs would be implemented and bring lasting benefits to the surrounding communities.
The event was attended by the Head of the Tirto Subdistrict, along with village officials from both the Wiradesa and Tirto Districts. After the opening ceremony, guests were invited to explore exhibition booths displaying various student innovations from different villages.
Some of the featured projects from the Wiradesa District included a Plastic Waste Shredder Machine, Urban Space Planning Designs, Multifunctional Public Spaces, Eco-Enzyme and Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Organic Waste Shredder and Composter, as well as Height Measurement Sensor.
Meanwhile, booth projects from Tirto District included Recycling Non-Organic Waste into Plastic Paving Blocks, GUI-Based Population Data Management Application, “Data Desaku Silirejo” for Village-Level Administrative Automation, Smart Trash: Automated Waste Bin for Environmental Management, Samborejo Village Masterplan, and Automated Fertilizer Dispenser. (DHW)