153rd Graduation, Undip Successfully Graduating 2,203 Students

Diponegoro University Rector (Undip) Prof. Yos Johan Utama graduated 2,203 people, consisting of 28 doctors, 307 Masters, 51 specialists, 270 professors, 1,377 graduates and 170 people, Tuesday (1/29) in Prof. Soedarto Building, SH Undip Tembalang.

The number of graduates consisted of 917 men and 1,286 women. This figure adds to the number of Undip graduates since its establishment until now to become 207,912 people. From all graduates there were 916 people or 41.58% of them graduated with cum laude.

The Challenge of the 4th Industrial Age. The Rector reminded the graduates that they should not be quickly satisfied with the achievement of academic degrees because there are still many challenges that must be faced in the future.

According to him, at this time the graduates will face the 4th stage of the industrial revolution which is marked by many advanced things such as internet, robotic workers, artificial intelligence, Big Data followed by symptoms of disruption, citizen views from being citizens to netizens.

The change is a certain. There aren’t many choices for us. Try to change or lose. This is the time for us to change, and this change must begin with ourselves right away and even from the smallest thing.

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