Central Java’s Rectors Convey 6 Moral Messages for Indonesia

The leaders of the higher education institutions and the Institute of Higher Education Services Region VI of Central Java issued a moral message to all Indonesian people which contained six important points in response to the current situation. The six messages called “Message from Central Java for Indonesia” were read at a meeting in the Prof. Soedarto Building Undip Tembalang, on Monday (20/5).

Undip’s Rector, Prof.Yos Johan Utama as the spokesperson explained the 6 moral messages from the leaders of the higher education institutions were the messages conveyed to peoples in responding to the current situation and conditions.

We,as the leaders of the universities in Central Java are paying attention, and witnessing the conditions of national political dynamics which during this period, are experiencing aunfavorable symptoms. Therefore, with full awareness as part of the citizens of Indonesia, we are called to convey moral messages to all Indonesian people as follows:

  1. That the Indonesian Nation is a great nation with noble culture, including the principle of “Ono rembug ayo dirembug”, for this reason, all the problems faced must be resolved by utilizing discussion and consensus.
  2. Knocking the conscience of the patriots of the Indonesian people who are struggling to fight and who are in charge of carrying out tasks in the field of democracy, to knightly carry out their roles in honest, fair, courageous, and caring, prioritizing the fate of the Indonesian people.
  3. Supporting the role of the patriot of the NKRI both from the TNI institutions and the Indonesian National Police law enforcement, the Attorney General of Indonesia, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Constitutional Court, to remain neutral and impartial to any party that is contesting in the election.
  4. Encouraging a prompt, fair and consistent resolution firmly based on the law that applies to every violation that is legally proven by any party.
  5. Encouraging all academic community, particularly the citizens of Central Java and Indonesia in general to maintain the conductivity, mutual respect, mutual tolerance, in order to avoid provocative actions for the glory of this nation.
  6. Encouraging everyone to behave, think, speak, or act based on the value of the Rahman and Rahim by prioritizing an attitude of affection to each other rather than an attitude of arrogance, as reflected in the noble value of the Central Java community Surodiro Jayaningrat Lebur dening

Thus, there is all the moral messagesfrom the Higher Education Institution Leaders and Central Java’s LLDIKTI VI for Indonesia. May Allah always protect us and people of INDONESIA.

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