Undip Submits 535 Students of Community Service to Pemalang “Undip Students Must Be Able to Become a Role Model at the Service Areas”

Pemalang, Tuesday (9/7) A total of 535 Undip students were handed over to the government in Pemalang District to conduct a Real Work Lecture (KKN). These students occupy locations in 5 sub-districts and 48 villages in Pemalang. The handover ceremony was attended by Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D along with staff from Undip LPPM and Pemalang Regent Dr. H. Junnedi, SH., MM located at Pemalang District Hall.

Budi Setiyono expressed his gratitude to the Regent of Pemalang and all personnel who have welcome the Undip KKN students in Pemalang.

Budi said that KKN is a periodic activity to actualize the tri dharma of higher education. Therefore, students are expected to be able to become role models at the service areas and are able to provide solutions to problems in the region and to improve the development progress, specifically in the sector of health problems and economic improvement of rural communities, “said Budi.

Budi hopes that students can immediately adapt to the surrounding environment which will be a place to live for forty days. “Hopefully they can establish good interaction and communication with the community. He also hopes that what is obtained on campus can be applied or practiced in the field and can create a sustainable network to identify the potential of the area in order to achieve reproducibility and revenue, “said Budi.

In his speech, the Regent of Pemalang, Dr. H. Junnedi, SH., MM welcomed all Undip KKN participants. According to him, students as agents of development and change must be able to adjust themselves and position themselves in the community.

“I believe that the capacity and capabilities of Undip students can contribute to motivating, transferring information and relevant knowledge as an effort to empower the community,” he said.

Thus, good relations are expected or there will be a feedback between the local community and students themselves. This is because KKN is one of the concrete manifestations of community empowerment efforts carried out by universities as a form of training.

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