Recently an online public lecture was held for undergraduate students with Bidikmisi Scholarship program by the guest lecturer Regent of Batang, Dr. H. Wihaji, S.Ag., M. Pd. The public lecture entitled Leadership Challenges: Principle, Values and Challenges of Leaders were successfully carried out via zoom meeting on Friday (5/15). The lecture began with the delivery of material about leaders and leadership followed by a presentation on the current patterns challenges in governing such as the pace of industry 4.0, improvement in service quality, rigid regulations especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Further on the presentation, the Regent of Batang said, “To face this challenge, the need of dynamic government that are an innovative and adaptive in the aspect of leading is necessary”. Further he explained that in addition to being innovative and adaptive, a leader must be transformative. It means to values on who has the integrity, visionary, pragmatic and meritocracy, namely an achievement based on assessment of its work performance. At the end of the presentation, he advised the Bidikmisi students to follow the noble values of Javanese leadership. “Be a leader who always exemplifies, ing ngarso sung tulodho”, he concluded.

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