UTBK 2020 Implementation: UNDIP Strictly Implements Health Protocols

Sunday (07/07/20), the first day of the 2020 Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) held at Diponegoro University went smoothly with strict health protocols.

The UTBK participants from various regions in Central Java followed the health protocol in an orderly manner. They wore masks and queued up to wash their hands patiently and maintain a distance during their arrival at the test site. Likewise, when entering the building, participants lined up in an orderly manner waiting for their turn for body temperature check.

Same thing applies to their companions, in an orderly manner they are following the direction from the official such as dropping off the participants at the designated point and immediately leave the area. The companions also obeyed the instructions from the officials to not to park the vehicle in the Undip campus area.

The health protocol implemented by Diponegoro University is strictly implemented in order to maintain the health and safety of all components involved in UTBK such as the committee, participants and the companions.

“In the implementation of this UTBK, Undip has obtained permission from the Covid-19 Acceleration Task Force of Semarang City on June 24, 2020. For this reason, Undip applies strict health protocols, both for participants, companions and also for committees on duty during the test. “All the rules set by the Task Force are complied with, as well as the regulations from the LTMPT (center),” explained Prof. Yos.

Furthermore, Prof. Yos explained that the health protocols that must be applied include the obligation to wear masks, always keep a distance, participants wash their hands before entering the examination room, measuring body temperature, and being sprayed with disinfectant before the test.

In the implementation of UTBK this year Undip provided 995 computers. The location of the test was held at Pleburan Campus and Tembalang Campus which were spread throughout the faculties and ICT buildings. UTBK is carried out in 2 phases where phase I takes place from July 5 to July 14, 2020 and phase II takes place from July 20 to July 29, 2020. The test is carried out in two sessions every day. Morning session starts at 09.00 WIB and afternoon session starts at 14.00 WIB.

The amount of 2020 UTBK participants were 23,092 prospective students consisting of regular participants and KIP-K with a percentage of 81.74% and 18.28% respectively. Participants came from all cities and districts in Central Java, as well as several cities outside Central Java.

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