Four Prospective Professors Delivers Their Scientific Papers

Semarang – Diponegoro University have been flooded by Professors. Four Prospective Professors have delivered their presentation at the Presentation of Prospective Professors on Thursday, June 4, 2020 which was held online. The four Prospective Professors are Dian Ratna Sawitri, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Psychology which is currently active as the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. Followed with Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc. from the Faculty of Engineering and 2 prospective Professors from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics namely Drs. Sapto Purnomo Putro, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Si., MT. Head of Undip Academic Senate Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunarso, MS said that Undip will again be flooded with Professors. “From the beginning of 2020 there have been 15 Prospective Professors who scores lots of achievements in the academic field,” said Prof. Narso, his nickname.

“The large number of prospective professors means the success of the acceleration program of professors who contributed to the entry of Undip into the 500 best universities in the world,” he explained. “In the future, the contribution of the professors will bring great benefits to the community and the progress of Indonesia,” he concluded.

The presentation was begun from Prospective Professor Dian Ratna Sawitri, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph. D. with a scientific paper entitled “Career Alignment of The Youth-Parent: The Foundation of the Nation’s Future Generation”. Dian revealed that by 2030-2040, Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus in the form of addition of a large number of productive ages.

Dian added that the career alignment of the youth-parent was defined as the alignment of the youths with their parents in terms of career, which was marked by the parents’ support felt by the youth towards career exploration and planning.

Then followed by Suharyanto, M.Sc. from the Faculty of Engineering entitled “Maintaining the Sustainable and Sustainability of Water Resources”. Suharyanto explained that the management of water resources must be carried out in an integrated manner between conserving water resources, utilizing water resources, and controlling water damage resources in a balanced and sustainable manner. Followed later by 2 professor candidates from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics namely Drs. Sapto Purnomo Putro, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Sc., MT in turn presenting their scientific paper.

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