VIP Summer School 2020 “Virtual Indonesia Introduction: Exploring Potential Architecture, Business and Culture” were Successfully Held

As an annual program, VIP Summer School always attracts many participants from across the world and Indonesia. The Vocational School also continues to try to offer interesting activities at every event, so that participants can increase its knowledge and experience that can be useful for their lives. At this year’s event, the Covid-19 pandemic has hit very hard around the world and this year’s VIP Summer School 2020 is almost canceled. However, the Vocational School believes that life will always find a way. Although currently living in limited mobilization, humans have managed to find ways to replace conventional encounters. Online meetings have become commonplace and a key point in building our lives into what we call the new normal. The Vocational School tries to redesign the event to become an attractive virtual meeting. Vocational School hopes that the participants feel the virtual Summer School program for 12 extraordinary days will always have a special place in your heart.

During these days the participants and resource persons shared their knowledge of the exploration of Indonesian in terms of architecture, business, language and culture. We started the class by learning various languages ​​and cultures followed by Indonesian architecture, regional languages, and Indonesian business and entrepreneurship. The Vocational School hopes that after this the Participants’ views and knowledge about Indonesia will be broader than before. VIP Summer School presents several experts from all over the world to share their knowledge related even in this pandemic situation. Indonesia is one of the largest countries with more than 17,000 islands and thousands of tribes, languages ​​and cultures. These impressive figures also imply that significant cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity can be found within its boundaries. Yes, it is very nice to share about Indonesia with all our beloved participants around the world Indonesia, Ghana, India, Zambia, Pakistan, Palestine, Ghana, Sudan, Kenya, Japan, Congo and Mauritius. The Vocational School hopes that the Participants will have the opportunity to explore Indonesia and be able to share what they have learned with family and friends around the world.

The VIP Summer School 2020 event which was attended by 32 participants for 12 consecutive days was officially closed by Mrs. Anggun P. Siswanto as the Vice of the International Office of Diponegoro University.

Previari Umi Pramesti, as the Leader of the VIP Summer School 2020 Committee, would like to express her deepest gratitude to all committees and participants who have made the first Virtual Summer Program held by the Vocational School successful.

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