UNDIP Community Service Team Creates Plastic Chopping Machines for Independent Waste Processing

The increase in the number of students in the Islamic boarding school is directly proportional to the increase in the amount of waste it produces. In addition, the boarding school also often has guests from the students’ family who visit as well as guests from outside the boarding school who participate in studying the Koran or attend events at the Islamic boarding school. This condition certainly has an impact on the amount of waste that must be handled immediately. In maintaining cleanliness, tidiness, and beauty at the boarding school location, LPPM Diponegoro University through the Science and Technology Funding Scheme for Undip Assisted Villages (Ipteks Bagi Desa Binaan Undip) helps by giving plastic chopping machines to the Attauhidiyyah Islamic Boarding School Syaikh Sa’id bin Armia, Giren Talang, Tegal Regency. The chopping machine that is sent is capable of chopping plastic as much as 75-100 kg/hour of plastic waste and is driven by 8 PK diesel.

In his remarks when handing over the machine, Dr. Badrus Zaman S.T., M.T. as the head of the PKM IBDU team also stated that this plastic chopping machine is expected to have an effect on the independence of the boarding school. Thus in designing the IBDU concept in this boarding school, it also involves lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. It is hoped that their existence will be able to provide color in the spirit of entrepreneurship and development of plastic waste processing technology.

The manager of the Islamic Boarding School, Ustadz Muhamad Nurul Yaqin, is very pleased with the presence of this machine. Apart from helping with the cleanliness of the cottage, the students are also introduced to machine technology. In addition, the existence of this machine is increasing the economic value of existing plastic waste. In fact, it is possible for the surrounding huts and the community to carry out “Plastic Shodaqoh” activities. This Plastic Shodaqoh activity will help to maintain cleanliness of the environment around the cottage, including various congregations from other Islamic boarding schools.

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