Nabilla Friska Prasasti (Student of History Study Program of Faculty of Humanities Undip): Students Must Be Enthusiastic to Contribute in Developing Undip

“I often take the opportunity to take part in competitions, including poetry or short stories writing competitions which events are often spread on Instagram accounts and other social media. I have also participated in the Model United Nations, or what is often called MUN where we express opinions, debate and negotiate,” said Nabilla Friska Prasasti, a student of History Study Program of Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University who has held the “Best Debate Moderation” Global Connective Multilateral Model United Nations 2021.

Model United Nations is a simulation of an international conference in the field of diplomacy attended by students from various countries. These students become delegates or representatives of a country and will discuss international topics or issues. According to Nabilla, she participated in Global Connective Multilateral MUN 1.0 in early 2021, to be precise in January. The theme she raised was “Morocco – Spain Drug Trafficking and Its Global Consequences in United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Council”. The background of this case is the global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances included in drug prohibition laws. UNODC continues to monitor and research the global illicit drug markets to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their dynamics.

“I hope that my fellow colleagues will be excited to contribute in developing Undip and will not be afraid to take part in competitions in their respective fields of expertise and knowledge. We have to try new things that are challenging for ourselves and dare to step out of our comfort zone. This MUN became a valuable experience for me, MUN is familiar with International Relations students because it discusses international issues. Even though I am a student of History department I still give it a try, and I felt very happy to be able to study with friends from various countries. It is fun and it helps to hone our skills, especially skills in foreign languages. The point is we have to have determination and will,” she concluded. (Linda-Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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