UNDIP and Bank Indonesia Strengthen Cooperation, Starting with BI Governor Teaching Program

SEMARANG – Bank Indonesia (BI) strengthens cooperation with Diponegoro University (UNDIP) through various programs that are carried out regularly and continuously. One of the first steps in this collaboration is the implementation of BI Teaching Program, which is part of the Free Learning Program.

The Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, will be the first lecturer in the program which will start on Friday (13/8/2021). In the seminar, Governor of BI will deliver material entitled “Strengthening Innovation, Synergy, and Social Concern as Contributions to National Economic Recovery”.

Vice Rector III for Communication and Business Undip, Dwi Cahyo Utomo, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., stated that the collaboration covers many fields. BI Teaching Program is only one of those collaborations. “This is in order to implement the Free Learning Program for Independent Campus,” he said, on Tuesday (10/8/2021).

According to him, the direction of the collaboration is to build the spirit of developing MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) among the younger generation, especially Undip students. The development of MSMEs is seen as important, because its existence opens up many job opportunities and encourages productive economic growth.

Therefore, students need to be provided with sufficient entrepreneurial skills, and need to be continuously nurtured through various existing programs, including the Free Learning Program. The birth of MSMEs is a real manifestation of the entrepreneurial spirit, and it is hoped that in the future it will grow into a medium and large scale business.

It is believed that entrepreneurship provision will encourage students to be willing and interested in starting a business. “Undip’s target is when students graduate, they can get a job or open a business immediately,” he said.

To enliven the event, Undip also invites students to contribute by participating in competitions in order to revive MSMEs. The types of competitions include competitions for making business plans, competitions for empowering SMEs, and posters making competitions to promote MSME products.

From the deadline for registration of the competition, according to him, there were 400 participants in the competition, and the participants will compete for prizes with a total value of 100 million Rupiahs. (PR team)

Translated by: Titis – Public Relations

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