Aging Research Center of Faculty of Psychology UNDIP Discussed the Stress Phenomenon in Facing Retirement Period

SEMARANG- Are you a Civil Servant or an employee of a private company soon to retire?If you feel confused, easily tired, and irritable, it may be stress or “post power syndrome” in facing retirement.
Responding to the phenomenon experienced by a number of people, Faculty of Psychology of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) held a webinar to find solutions on how to overcome them and to provide recovery for the retired person to be better prepared in facing retirement. The webinar with theme of “Preparation for Civil Servants in Facing Retirement” was organized by Aging Research Center (ARC), Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University, on Saturday (25/9/2021).
The Dean of Faculty of Psychology Undip, Prof. Dian Ratna Sawitri S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D, in her speech said that ARC is one of the four study centers in Faculty of Psychology Undip. The activity held by ARC is expected to be able to synergize with Undip Human Resources Development Agency related to Human Resources so that it will be easier to carry out joint activities in the future.
Through webinars by presenting experts in their respective fields, Sawitri hoped that webinars held by Faculty of Psychology Undip can provide input and solutions related to existing phenomena. One of them including this theme which is related to one’s preparation when entering retirement stage, so that they are not stressed and be more prepared.
This program also supports the implementation of SDGs number 3 (Good Health and Well-being), number 4 (Quality Education), and number 17 (Partnership for the Goals). On this occasion, Prof. Dian Ratna Sawitri quotes the saying “Age isn’t how old you are but how old you feel” taken from Gabriel García Márquez, Memories of My Melancholy Whores.
Go to the market to buy soap, use it so you will smell good,
Instead of doing nothing at home, let’s join this webinar.
Go to the city its roads are busy, stop by the market if you have time,
Our Saturday is filled with enthusiasm, may you always be healthy….
The resource person in this webinar is Drs. Budi Wibowo, M.Si, the Main Expert of Regional Human Resources Development Agency of Central Java Province. Meanwhile, as the moderator is the Chair of Undip ARC who is also an expert on Psychogerontology, Dr. Yeniar Indriana, MS. Psychologist.
On this occasion, Budi Wibowo raised the theme of “Preparation of Civil Servants in Facing Retirement”. According to him, retirement usually happen at the age of 58 years, 60 years and 65 years. Retirement at the age of 58 years are applied to administrative officers, junior expert functional officers, first experts, and skills functional officers. For the age of 60 years, it applies to high-ranking officials and middle functional officials. While 65 years applies to functional officials of the main expert age (according to the laws).
So what needs to be prepared? Someone who is about to enter retirement stage usually prepares documents for completing the retirement proposal and make plans of activities after retirement. “Things will change when we retire. However, good time management will make us focused and feel happy. There are several choices of activities that we can do such as relaxing and watching the sunset. Other choice is daring to take risks on new challenges in life,” he explained.
On the one hand, when a person retires, a person will lose their livelihood, lose their status, lose their relationships, and lose their formal job. But he suggested, one must be aware and not be stress when entering it. The reason is because old age can not be denied.
“It is absolutely necessary to prepare early to face retirement. You don’t have to wait until one or two years before retirement period to start preparing your plans. The sooner we prepare ourselves for retirement, the more organized and comfortable life will be,” he said.
Retirement is not the moment where we have to find a perfect time, but on the contrary, it is about how we make the best use of time in our life. In addition to taking advantage of time, for those who like challenges, they can indeed create something new, such as a business.
Currently, the attention of the Regional Government in delivering civil servants who are about to enter retirement period is very good. The Central Java Provincial Government with the leading sector of Regional Employment Agency of Central Java Province always prepare an annual budget as an effort to produce entrepreneurs. It is expected that bureaucrats who will retire can have the opportunity to open up adaptive jobs and play a role in improving welfare for the people of Central Java.
The activity involved the role of State-Owned Enterprises and Regional-Owned Enterprises in Central Java related to the fields of health, capital, employment as well as assessors from universities, practitioners and scholars leading Islamic boarding schools.
Activities in the form of preparation for civil servants who will enter post-duty stage for 3 days. The preparation includes related introduction to psychological preparation through ESQ and introduction to entrepreneurship which is followed by field reviews and practice in MSMEs industrial centers in Central Java and Yogyakarta Provinces.
One of the supports in the capital program is the “Program Mitra 25” managed by PT. Bank Jateng, as a provision to entrepreneurial capital with an effective interest rate of 7% per year or the equivalent of 3.72% flat per year without collateral. The goal of this program is to produce QUALITY Retired Civil Servants, namely creative, strong, spiritual, innovative, and prosperous.
“In essence, we must be able to build a better quality of life in old age (golden age). Through financial management, it could also optimize one’s potential through entrepreneurship, or a strategy to develop a business. Looking for additional income must be in accordance with the conditions and hobbies of retirees. One thing to be remembered is to be content and be grateful,” he explained.
He gave a motivation with example on how the owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Colonel Sanders, who started his KFC business at the age of 65 in a state of shortage. He started a business with just US$105 and developed his mother’s fried chicken recipe. Not to mention, he experienced 1,009 rejections when offering his products. However now KFC is being a successful brand and having branches in almost all countries. (PR team)
Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)
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