Medical Science Study Program of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP is Ready to Respond to the Challenges of the Millennial Era

Recently, Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University held an Open Session of Academic Senate of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP as a scientific speech event from Prof. Dr. dr. Winarto, DMM, Sp. MK, Sp.M (K), Professor of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP in the field of Clinical Microbiology. Scientific speech with the theme “Medical Education in the Millennial Era” was held on the 3rd floor of Building A of Dean Building of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP on Friday, October 1st 2021. Raising the theme “Rise Together, Synergize in Working for the Glory of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP”, Faculty of Medicine is ready to produce quality doctors who are able to answer the challenges of the millennial era.

The millennial era is defined as the golden period of the millennial generation. The term comes from ‘Millennials’ which was coined by two American historians and writers, William Strauss and Neil Howe in several of their books. The Millennial generation or generation Y is also familiarly called generation me or echo boomers. Furthermore, Generation Y or Millennials were born in the 1980s to the year of 2000. The age of this Millennial generation are young people who are currently between the ages of 15-35 years old. Some of the characteristics of the millennial generation include getting bored easily, depending on gadgets, preferring to do things that are fast and instant and also multitasking. This is inseparable from today’s civilization, with the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT).

This challenge is also ready to be faced by the Faculty of Medicine UNDIP to provide medical education supplies. This is necessary because medical education will always be a necessity to provide health services for the community. The presence of robotic technology in the medical world also helps doctors to diagnose and examine patients. Especially during the pandemic, the role of robots and IoT devices really helps doctors in treating patients and maintaining direct interaction with Covid-19 patients.

In his speech, Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M. Hum. expressed high appreciation to the Faculty of Medicine UNDIP which had produced doctors who carry out noble tasks and produce great scientific products. Furthermore, Prof. Yos said that the challenges are varied because there will be disruptions that cause changes so fast, including in the health sector. Changes also happen in patterns of patient treatment as well as discovery of new drugs and new methods. “Hopefully the Faculty of Medicine UNDIP becomes a pioneer in finding innovation to save the people,” said Prof. Yos. “I believe that the noble task can be carried out because the Faculty of Medicine UNDIP has teaching lecturers and educational staffs with integrity. The key to success in carrying out a noble task is integrity,” said Prof. Yos.

While the Dean of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP, Prof. Dr. dr. Dwi Pudjonarko, M.Kes., Sp.S.(K), said that the Faculty of Medicine is ready and adaptive to changes and rapid technology. Nowadays, learning process is no longer dependent on conventional systems. The system develops in a modern way so that synergy is bound with other units or faculties for handling and improving services. One of the innovations is a health technology research center owned by UNDIP, namely the Center for Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Biomechantronics and Biosignal processing (CBIOM3S). Together with CBIOM3S, Faculty of Medicine Undip has developed health technology products including bionic hands, mechanical hands, club foot therapy devices for babies, braces for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint, artificial legs, Parkinson’s disease diagnostic tools, exo-glove for stroke patients, and other products. “This faculty has the most study programs consisting of 31 study programs from 4 departments namely Medical Department, Nursing Science Department, Science of Nutrition Department, and Specialist Department. Faculty of Medicine UNDIP has a big role in realizing UNDIP’s vision as an excellent research university. Findings and innovations in the health sector that support assignments and achievements by lecturers, staffs and students at national and international levels are UNDIP’s efforts to become a world class university,” explained Prof. Onang, the nickname of Dean of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP.

In line with his speech with the theme of “Medical Education in the Millennial Era”, Prof. Dr. dr. Winarto, DMM, Sp. MK, Sp.M (K) recommended 3 things to select prospective doctors, namely explorers (always learning and exploring science), non-conforming (focusing on what is being carried out), and having a wider background. “A preparatory course (transition course) to educate students about the basics is necessary. An effective research lectures and research funds are also important parts of education,” concluded Prof. Winarto. (Utami – Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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