UNDIP Achieved Rank 3 in SIMKATMAWA 2021

Diponegoro University (Undip) was ranked 3rd (third) in the assessment of the National Student Ranking Management Information System (SIMKATMAWA) in 2021. The Directorate of Higher Education announced the ranking through letter No. 6978/E2/KM.12/2021 dated December 3rd 2021.

SIMKATMAWA is an evaluation from the Ministry of Education and Culture in the form of performance appraisal and ranking of student affairs which is also an instrument for universities to report student achievements and related student institutions. With the SIMKATMAWA, it is hoped that it will encourage universities to further increase their awareness of student activities, both institutional affairs and student achievement.

Undip Vice Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Budi Setiyono stated that SIMKATMAWA is the pinnacle of assessment of all achievements and governance in the field of student affairs. “Undip feels proud of the achievements in the top three position,” said Prof. Budi.

Furthermore, according to Prof. Budi, students are required to become reliable leaders in the future. Therefore, the student affairs field has a very strategic role at the level of student institutions in Higher Education to increase student achievement and develop interests, talents, reasoning, and creativity as well as science and professionalism. “Through student activities, students are not only equipped with academic abilities or competencies, but are also equipped with soft skills to solve problems,” he added.

In SIMKATMAWA 2021, several assessment adjustments were made, especially related to the Free Learning – Independent Campus program. The assessment on performance of students including institutional readiness and student achievement in competitive and non-competition activities for the period of 2020-2021 is also to be done.

Free Learning – Independent Campus program itself includes various forms of learning activities outside of tertiary institutions, including conducting internships/work practices in industry or other workplaces, carrying out community service projects in villages, teaching in educational units, participating in student exchanges, conducting research, conducting entrepreneurial activities, carrying out independent studies/projects, and participating in humanitarian programs. All these activities must be carried out with the guidance of the lecturers.

“To all parties who helped achieve this achievement, the university expressed its gratitude and high appreciation for the contribution of time, energy, and thoughts to encourage student quality improvement,” he concluded.

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