“Art makes life more colorful because it is unique, interesting and entertaining. We don’t feel the hardship of life when we feel comfortable and entertained by the existence of this art. In addition, art makes us more creative and intuitive. The art of tambourine music which contains sholawat to His Majesty Rasul makes us calm when listening to it. Nowadays, the sholawat music has begun to be packaged more attractively and makes people really interested on how beautiful prayer is,” said Muhammad Zaki Ulinnuha, Head of Student Activity Unit (UKM) Rebana of Diponegoro University (READY).
“During the pandemic, many activities were carried out online, but we also scheduled offline activities such as vocal training and training on classical and modern tools. If the training is carried out only in online manner, it is not easy for UKM Rebana members to catch up and understand the materials. Since last year, we have initiated various hybrid (offline and online) programs, such as routine exercises, Mawlid commemoration, routine studies, as well as tabligh akbar. We hope that in the future we can do offline activities 100%, because the chemistry among us exists because we often gather and practice together. Every year we try to be able to participate in various internal and external university events, both in the form of competitions and performance invitations. At the UKM Rebana there are several specializations, namely vocals, classical or banjari tambourines, habsyi tambourines, and modern tambourines,” he continued.
“I am interested in joining UKM Rebana because we can jointly preach and pray to get blessing from Allah and His Majesty Rasul. As members, we also want to deepen our skills and experience, not only in playing the tambourine instrument, but also in joining an organization. Besides that, because I like playing tambourines since junior high school, I already knew what tambourine was. So the hope is that UKM Rebana can continue preach the values of Islam through tambourine music,” said the student from the Department of Islamic Economics of Faculty of Economics and Business Undip.
“Organization and education are equally important. Education teaches and trains us to excel academically, an educated person is said to be smart because he is able to know a science. Meanwhile, to apply that knowledge, one must be able to know how through organization. Organization teaches and trains us to be able to socialize better with others. Education provides knowledge for ourselves, while the organization makes us learn about our relationships with people. In the other words, education makes us know, while organizations make us able. That’s what makes organization and education very important, and both are an inseparable units,” concluded Zaki. (Lin – Public Relations)