In this pandemic era, people are still adapting to the problems of economic difficulties, especially regarding how to manage their finances so as not to interfere with the necessities of life when their income decreases. Thus the Community Service students of Diponegoro University who were deployed to the Manyaran Village, West Semarang organized activities to help the community in dealing with their financial difficulties by providing education about tips for managing finances to early childhood (elementary school children).
Nazilatul Lailiyah (Student of the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business) said that this education was very important not only during a pandemic or after a pandemic because good financial management can be done if every individual has been trained since childhood.
“The practice of calculating student income or pocket money uses a predetermined budgeting proportion formula. With this program, it is hoped that students can apply frugal living behavior and can practice the budgeting method to manage their income either when they are still in school or when they are already working later. So the paradigm of difficulty managing finances can be reduced or even disappear from the mindset of community,” she said.
Another program carried out by the Undip Community Service team was the manufacture of hand sanitizer products made from lime. Hand sanitizer is one of the important components in implementation of the health protocols, which is not only used to kill germs but is also easy to carry and easy to apply. Making hand sanitizers is quite simple and easy from natural ingredients that are around and the results can be a new business field. Therefore it can grow to be MSMEs which supports the success of the SDGs program in economic growth and justice, social development, and conservation of natural resources (environmental empowerment). (Lin – Public Relations)