Socialization on Matching Fund of Diponegoro University in 2022

In order to increase the commercialization of research results and proposals for the Kedaireka Program as well as to seek the opportunity to get a Matching Fund as a collaboration incentive fund from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, the Innovation Section and the Directorate of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation held the Kedaireka Matching Fund Socialization in 2022. The event was attended by participants including lecturers, researchers and inventors from all faculties within the Diponegoro University (Undip), on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 via Zoom meeting and broadcasted live via Dirinovki Undip Youtube channel. More than 200 participants attended and participated in the event with great enthusiasm.

In his opening speech, The Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation at Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. said that the Kedaireka Matching Fund Program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology aimed to bring together innovations from higher education institutions and industries so that they can be utilized by the community.

The objective of this socialization was to provide a more detailed understanding so that more UNDIP researchers will receive funding for the 2022 Kedaireka Matching Fund Program. Hopefully, the guide of 2022 Kedaireka Matching Fund will be launched soon so that researchers can submit proposals early and innovations produced by UNDIP researchers can be used for industry.

Achmad Adhitya, Ph.D., as the Coordinator of the Innovation Acceleration Work Team – DIKTI in his presentation said that the detailed 2022  Kedaireka Matching Fund Technical Guidelines will be launched in February 2022. For the 2022 Kedaireka Matching Fund Program, there are 2 (two) keywords, namely Impact, which is hoped that in 2022 the impact generated from the lecturers’ projects funded by Kedaireka will be even stronger. The second is Efficiency, meant by doing things more efficiently so that the execution time can be more optimal.

He also explained about the 3 (three) Grand Matching Fund Schemes in 2022, namely funding flows, review processes, and templates. The funding flow scheme consists of (a) thematic funding flows, namely green economy, blue economy, digital economy, health infrastructure, economy; (b) regular funding flows; (c) infrastructure funding flows.

The second scheme is a faster review process, for under 1 (one) billion completed within 7 days. The last scheme is about the provision of proposal templates and RAB templates with a maximum number of 10 (ten) pages of proposals.

The second speaker, JS. Pratomo, as the Independent Campus Acceleration Work Team – DIKTI, conveyed important notes for DIKTI Personnel so that they could optimize the submission of Matching Fund proposals to be better.

The registration and login process is still the same as in 2021 because to be able to access the Matching Fund page, you must have registered yourself and your industrial partners at

According to him, the challenge when submitting a proposal is to define accurately and comprehensively the correlation of the program/project with the selected KPI. Moreover, the participants should carefully fill out the track record of the head of the proposing team, then the involvement of undergraduate students must exist as well as the form of industry contribution to the proposed program.

A more complete and detailed guide can be accessed through the page in February 2022.

In this session, all questions from the participants, both via Zoom interaction and via the chat column, were answered and explained in detail by the speakers.

This event went well and smoothly. The entire committee hoped that the number of Kedaireka proposals from UNDIP that can qualify for funding through the Kedaireka Matching Fund in 2022 will increase, so that it will be more beneficial for industry and society. (Admin-RM)

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