Dr. Yanuar Luqman, S.Sos, M.Si (Head of Master of Communication Science Study Program of FISIP UNDIP): We Focus on FIBAA International Accreditation

Master of Communication Science Study Program of the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Diponegoro University (UNDIP) has two concentrations of scientific fields, namely Media, Culture and Society Studies as well as Strategic Communication Studies. Master of Communication Science Study Program has been accredited A, based on BAN-PT Decree Number 3863/sk/BAN-PT/Akred/M/X/2017 which is valid from October 17, 2017 to October 17, 2022.

“In facing the challenges of learning in the digital era and the industrial revolution 4.0,  Master of Communication Science Study Program requires the lecturers to always implement developments in communication science and technology. For example, they provide case examples to students related to the latest developments,” said Dr. Yanuar Luqman who serves as Head of Master of Communication Science Study Program, FISIP Undip, as well as Deputy General Chair of the Central Management of the Indonesian Public Relations Association.

“This year we have invited several foreign guest lecturers with doctorate degrees to become resource persons in our webinars. The next plan is to make a summer course which is the target of the internationalization of Key Performance Indicators. In addition, we are also mandated to achieve FIBAA international accreditation, while several international collaborations and research are being initiated,” he continued.

Dr. Yanuar said that Master of Communication Science Study Program had several international students, including from the Netherlands, Russia, Libya, Suriname, Timor Leste, Bangladesh, Palestine, and Egypt. Promotion of study programs is carried out through the website and social media and is helped by the Diponegoro International Students Scholarship (DISS) program, a scholarship program from Undip given to international students who want to continue their studies at Undip, one of which is for the master program.

“This scholarship is an attraction for international students who want to study at Undip, especially Master of Communication Science Study Program. This study program does not require linearity, and applies both to international and non-international classes, so this is a challenge for us,” he said.

“We will focus on international accreditation as our full support for Undip’s progress towards World Class University. Talking about WCU, internationally it is a form of world recognition for the quality of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The impact of international recognition is an increase in the reputation and role of universities in the development of science and technology. The strategies are strengthening networks and partnerships at the international and national levels as well as encouraging the academic community to produce scientific works that have an international reputation. In addition, the facilities currently owned by Undip have greatly improved and developed, including the SSO facility as part of the academic system. In the future, it is expected to have two languages, Indonesian and English, to make it easier for international students to access registration to fill out their study plans,” he concluded. (Lin – Public Relations)

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