Albert Jehoshua Rapha (Graduate with Cum Laude Predicate from the Department of Public Administration of FISIP UNDIP): Undip is the Right Place to Develop Science and Technology and Soft Skills

“As college student, I am active in student organizations and research activities. In research activities, I have attended several conferences and research dissemination, such as the Biannual International Conference on Indonesian Politics and Government in 2019, and the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations in 2021. In student organizations, I have served as a functionary of the 2018 Student Executive Board of FISIP Undip, Head of the Action and Propaganda Division of the 2019 Undip Student Executive Board, and Head of the 2020 Student Executive Board of FISIP Undip,” said Albert Jehoshua Rapha, a prospective graduate at the 165th Graduation of Diponegoro University (Undip) who graduated cum laude with a 3.74 GPA.

“In the scope of student organizations, when I became the Head of the 2020 Student Executive Board of FISIP Undip, together with the super team, we initiated the first BEM sustainable organizational strategic plan at Undip under the name Sustainable Organizational Planning Goals (SOPGs) for a period of five years. We initiated a first cross-border BEM collaboration program with the BEM of other universities in Indonesia with the Student Union of Universiti Malaya. We also collaborated with IKA FISIP to launch the UKT Scholarship program for FISIP students in the midst of a pandemic. Within the scope of research, I have the opportunity to become a research assistant for lecturers and interns at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia. In addition, I have also produced three publications, one of them in 2021, by contributing a part in the book entitled ‘Novus Politika: Changing Dynamics in International Politics’ with an article entitled ‘Rethinking Democracies in Asia: A Reflection on Asia’s Market Megatrends and the Future of Democracy’. From 2019 to 2021, I have been a speaker in more than 60 student training activities and seminars both at Undip and other campuses in Indonesia,” continued the student majoring in Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Undip.

For Albert, Undip has become the right place for him to develop knowledge and soft skills, a place to train himself to have an impact on society and establish connections. For his experience, Undip has instilled a passion to contribute for a better Indonesia in the future.

“In the midst of the demographic bonus, Indonesia needs a lot of young educated people to unite through organizations in order to create ideas, make a real impact in solving various problems in this country and encourage national development. Organizations here can be communities, NGOs, and even start-ups. For me, education should liberate minds and spawn ideas, while an organization’s mission is to deploy those ideas into concrete impacts on society,” he said. (Lin – Public Relations)

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