UNDIP Proudly Inaugurated Outstanding Graduates of Bidikmisi Scholarship Program

A total of 224 graduates from the Bidikmisi Scholarship Program were inaugurated at the 165th Graduation Ceremony of Diponegoro University (Undip) which was held online on Wednesday-Thursday (February 9-10, 2022). The graduates included students from the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Alimah Putri Milania with a 3.90 GPA, Ha Dicky with a 3.84 GPA, Bella Lista Putriani Rahayu with a 3.84 GPA, and Nurul Khasanah with a 3.77 GPA.

Bidikmisi Scholarship Program is a scholarship provided by the government for high school, vocational, and equivalent students. This program is intended for outstanding students who are economically disadvantaged and is held on the basis of equal distribution of education for all people.

“Diponegoro University is one of the universities that support the Bidikmisi scholarship program,” said Prof. Faisal, SE., MSi., Ph.D. as Vice Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs.

Prof. Faisal added that Undip provided the widest opportunity for students from underprivileged families to be able to go to college by following the specified requirements.

The development of educated human resources cannot run well without the participation of families, schools and communities. Therefore, Undip is proactively involved in the development of human resources and contributing to assist schools in carrying out government programs and policies related to the quality of education. Undip’s human resources (students) are in their productive age so that it is a great opportunity for them to participate in advancing the country.

The Bidikmisi Scholarship Program has a mission to revive hope for the underprivileged students who have good academic potential to be able to continue studies and to produce human resources who are able to play a role in breaking the chain of poverty with an empowerment.

This program also aims to provide complete tuition assistance to students who meet the criteria for taking Diploma/Bachelor program; to improve students’ achievement both in the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular fields; to guide the students to always improve their achievements and be competitive; to produce graduates who are independent, productive and caring for social issues so that they will be able to break the poverty chain.

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