UNDIP is Optimistic that Doctor of Law Study Program will be Accredited by FIBAA International in 2022

SEMARANG- The Faculty of Law (FH) of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) continues to establish itself as one of the internationally recognized faculties, by targeting international accreditation for the Doctor of Law Study Program in 2022 after all study programs in Faculty of Law received recognition from German international accreditation agencies. In November 2021, the Bachelor of Law Study Program, Undip Master of Law Study Program received certification from FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation).

The Dean of Faculty of Law Undip, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati S.H., M.Hum., expressed her gratitude for international accreditation achieved by two study programs at the Faculty of Law. According to her, this achievement was the beginning for Faculty of Law Undip to establish itself as a World Class University (WCU). “By achieving an accreditation, it is easier to establish relationships or cooperation with foreign parties, both universities and international organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),” said Prof. Retno, on Wednesday (12/22/2021).

Faculty of Law Undip is currently preparing itself so that Doctor of Law Study Program can get international accreditation in 2022. Therefore, Prof. Retno invites the entire academic community to innovate for the advancement of the faculty. One of them is working together to achieve International accreditation from FIBAA in 2022.

“The target of next year is to achieve accreditation for Doctor of Law Study Program. Therefore, we will form a special committee team in charge of preparing this assessment. The committee team is tasked with completing and filling out a number of assessment documents that are adapted to international higher education quality standards. The assessment component consists of student admission procedures, curriculum, quality of supporting infrastructure for lectures, teaching processes and quality assurance in related study programs,” she explained.

The Undip Faculty of Law has set its vision as a progressive law faculty based on Pancasila values towards the development of world-class research-based science by 2025. Meanwhile, its mission is to provide competent legal education in the field of law to produce competitive and progressive law graduates; to conduct research in the field of law that is competitive and progressive, beneficial to humanity and national development; to provide education to the public regarding sustainable law and justice for humanity; and to organize cooperation with the aim of expanding networks with national and international institutions.

Furthermore, Faculty of Law is the oldest faculty in Undip. Since its establishment in 1957 until now, the Faculty of Law has developed with the improvement of the education system, by increasing the number and quality of teaching staff (lecturers), as well as increasing the number of facilities and infrastructure to support the learning process.

Previously, Undip Vice Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Budi Setiyono S.Sos., M.Pol. Admin., Ph.D., said that in 2021 there were 15 study programs that passed international accreditation from FIBAA, which processes had been proposed long before the proposal began in January 2021.

He explained that the proposal for study program accreditation is in line with the Undip Development Master Plan for 2013-2026, where Diponegoro University is currently entering phase V (2020-2024) namely Strengthening Research Universities. This is in accordance with UNDIP’s Key Performance Indicators to reach the World Class University criteria, by targeting 40 internationally accredited study programs.

“From our target of 40 internationally accredited study programs, we still have to achieve accreditation of 25 study programs. For this reason, we continue to encourage study programs to achieve international accreditation by improving services, human resource competencies, and infrastructure with international standards. So we are very optimistic that the target of 40 internationally accredited study programs can be achieved,” said Prof. Budi.

In the context of quality assurance, Undip is committed to implementing two major patterns, namely the Internal Quality Assurance System and the External Quality Assurance System. The Internal Quality Assurance System as an organizational aspect built by university leaders uses the Academic Quality Internal Audit (AIMA) instrument which consists of 12 Educational Standards and 3 Research and Community Service Standards.

Meanwhile, the External Quality Assurance System implemented by Undip follows National and International Standards including the BAN-PT Accreditation (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education); FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation); ASIIN (Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics/Computer Science, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics); ABEST21 (The Alliance On Business Education And Scholarship For Tomorrow); and IABEE (Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education). The selection of international accreditation institutions is adjusted to the needs and competencies of each institution. (PR team)

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