UNDIP Held 2022 IISMA Socialization

Wednesday (9/3) – International Office (IO) of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) held the 2022 IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) Socialization, an international scholarship program for Indonesian students under the auspices of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. In accordance with the principle of the Free Learning – Independent Campus Program where students are given the freedom to choose their preferred field, the Indonesian government provides the opportunity to study for one semester (4-6 months) at partner universities abroad. IISMA is included in one form of learning in other study programs at different universities (overseas) in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Standards for Higher Education.

Undip Deputy Academic Director, Dr. eng. Agus Setyawan, S.Si., M.Sc. in his speech representing the Vice Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., said that the university and faculties strongly support the dissemination of IISMA which is held online this time. “Hopefully like the previous year, Undip can send student representatives to universities abroad. This is also a great opportunity for students. Don’t worry, there is a course conversion according to Undip Rector Regulation No. 17 of 2021 regarding Implementation of MBKM,” said Agus Setyawan.

In his presentation, Rachmat Sriwijaya who serves as the IISMA Kemdikbudristek Sub-Work Group of 2022 IISMA stated that IISMA participants can study at one of 73 partner universities located in 31 countries in various parts of the world. There are 20 courses offered at each university and each IISMA participant can take 3-4 courses for one semester. IISMA learning outcomes can be acknowledged in the 5th or 7th semester transcripts according to the study period. “In addition to the study program according to the subject, students can take other study programs so that they can learn a lot. Learning about other country’s cultures, technological advances, international civilization and local values will increase their qualifications internationally,” said Rachmat.

IO UNDIP also invited two IISMA students, namely Bernadius Hendra Natadiria (FSM UNDIP) and Feronia Alya Xaviera (FH UNDIP). Bernadius Hendra, who continued his studies at the University of Granada, Spain, shared his interesting experience while in Spain. Not only gaining new knowledge, he admitted that he had various unique life experiences. “This is indeed not your ordinary IISMA journey. But I met a lot of good people so I gained valuable experience,” said Bernadius.

Similar to Bernadius’ story, Feronia Xaviera, who continued her studies at The University of Pennsylvania, United States, also shared her pleasant experience. Being a Penn student made Feronia even more excited to learn and establish relations because students there are known to be competitive. “Besides studying, in our spare time we can go around the city and explore new things. We also manage Indonesian events, for example on Youth Pledge Day,” said Feronia.

The requirements for students who can register for the IISMA program are Indonesian citizens who are studying in semesters 4-6, have English language skills as evidenced by IELTS (6.0) / TOEFL iBT (78) / Duolingo (100), get a recommendation from the home university, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. IISMA registration is open on March 1-31, 2022.

Registration fees, tuition fees, living expenses, pocket money, travel and VISA costs, PCR costs, quarantine, and health insurance (including Covid-19) are borne by the IISMA organizer.

The socialization of 2022 IISMA was closed with a question and answer session to the speakers. The number of participants that reached 500 people showed the enthusiasm of UNDIP students to continue their studies abroad. The moderator of this event, Anggun Puspitarini Siswanto, S.T., Ph.D. said that last year there were 42 UNDIP students who passed to become IISMA participants and it is hoped that the number will increase this year. “The IO faculty coordinator can coordinate with the Head of Study Program. Letters can be processed through the Deputy Dean to get a student recommendation letter from the Vice Rector I. Registration for the scholarship program can be done on the IISMA portal,” she concluded. (Titis – Public Relations)

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