UNDIP is the State Universities with the Third Most Registered SNBP in 2023

The National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) team announced the 20 (twenty) State Universities (PTN) with the highest number of registrants in the 2023 Achievement Based National Selection (SNBP) on Tuesday (28/3). Diponegoro University is the third ranked PTN with the most registrants in the 2023 National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) with a total of 24,598 registrants. As a State University Receiving the Most Registrants of SNBP, the number of participants accepted by Undip was 2,817 while the recipients of Undip KIP Lecture participants were 799 people.

This year, the two study programs with the tightest percentage of registrants at Diponegoro University are Dentistry (1.26% tightness) and Pharmacy (1.45% tightness).

The Dentistry Study Program (PSKG) was established in 2016 which is incorporated in the Faculty of Medicine Undip, located in the Undip Tembalang campus area. PSKG was opened simultaneously with the Pharmacy Study Program. PSKG’s vision is to become a study program that produces dentist graduates who are able to compete at the international level and excel in geriatric dental and oral health development research in 2025.

Meanwhile, the S1 Pharmacy Study Program, which is also one of the study programs under the Faculty of Medicine, has a mission, among others, to organize higher education at the undergraduate level of pharmacy, which produces graduates who are qualified, competent, moral and ethical, and have a high national outlook; carry out quality research to support scientific and technological advances in the pharmaceutical field and become a reference center for the development of natural medicines; carry out community service based on the results of education and research to advance the welfare of the community, and administer pharmacy education that is credible, transparent, accountable and fair. (Lin/Joshua – Public Relations)

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