Good news is received from Diponegoro University (Undip) Civil Engineering students. The Undip BimBim Team won 2nd place and the Undip Tjokro Team won 3rd place in the 2023 International BIM (Building Information Modeling) Innovation Contest (IBIC) Competition.
The Undip BimBim team consisting of Arif Setiawan (team leader), Arga Widi Ananta, and Fifi Farida Imania are Civil Engineering students class of 2019 and are supervised by Banu Ardi Hidayat, S.T., M.T. Meanwhile, the Undip Tjokro Team consisted of Fawwaz Iqbal (Civil Engineering class of 2020) as team leader, Dimas Okta Savero (Civil Engineering class of 2020), and Hanif Widya Utomo (Civil Engineering class of 2019).
Arif Setiawan as the head of the Undip BimBim Team admitted that he had made various preparations such as studying the BIM software used and making a study timeline. “Every day it is scheduled to study software via YouTube for one month, so when participating in competitions all you have to do is work on the cases given. This makes working time more efficient. Apart from that, in running the competition, we divide it according to the job of each member, so that the report work can be completed according to the time determined by the committee,” he explained.
“We are very grateful to be able to get 2nd place at IBIC 2023, after trying several competitions but only being able to make it to the final round. Finally, at IBIC 2023, our team was able to win 2nd place,” added Arif.
Meanwhile, Fawwaz Iqbal as the leader of the Undip Tjokro Team explained that the preparations had been carried out quite thoroughly. “We have been interested in BIM (Building Information Modeling) for a long time and we have often attended BIM training held by the campus. We regularly gather and exchange ideas to find suitable innovations to be implemented in the IBIC 2023 competition project,” he said.
“The IBIC 2023 competition is our first competition, of course we are very grateful for this result and will continue to evaluate it in the future because experience is the best teacher,” said Iqbal.
IBIC 2023 is a competition held as part of The 11th Civil Engineering Innovation Contest (CEIC) 2023 event. IBIC 2023 raised the theme “Sustainable and Optimation Building Construction for Better Quality and Durability with BIM (Building Information Modeling)”.
The activity, which was held from 1 February 2023 to 3 May 2023, was started by a preliminary stage which must be followed by every team that has registered in the competition. In this activity, participants are required to make a proposal for planning an analysis of building structures at several building locations in Indonesia which have been provided with conditions adjusted based on building plans in the field.
Entering the final stage, the activities of the participants are presenting a structural analysis planning proposal and making a BIM animation video. In the assessment stage, PT. Hutama Karya also has a role to conduct competition assessment and judging in the final stage.