Universitas Diponegoro

Preparation for Final Grade Student Careers in the CV Preparation Training for TRKI UNDIP Vocational School 2023

Semarang – Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Student Association (TRKI) Undip Vocational School in Research and Science, implementing its service and development function, held a forum for all students related to scientific research. One of the work programs is CV Preparation Training or CV 2023 Training, which targets all TRKI students taking their final semester. This event was carried out smoothly, offline, on July 15-16, 2023. With a series of presentation materials, Curriculum Vitae (CV) consultations and job application letters, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Interview practices, and Business Cases. Together with a very extraordinary speaker, Ir. Jahnawi Tri Wasisto, MBA, as CEO & President Director of PT Elno Tech Mubarac.

Carrying the theme “Built Your Personal Branding, Through Resume and Job Interview,” Chief Executive Malika Pintanada revealed that the purpose of this CV training is for students to understand how to prepare a good and correct CV and job application letter, as well as a forum for students to practice in job interviews.

“There is a need for students related to preparation for continuing their careers after studying as an Applied Bachelor. The huge competition covering skills, experience, and mental readiness in the world of work is the basis for holding this event. The participants’ enthusiasm also added a plus,” said Zaki, TRKI Undip Vocational School Class of 2019 student.

Previously, only 10% of CVs and training applications were per ATS friendly and according to job analysis. However, after doing this CV training, it is almost 95% per training expectancy. 5% still needs to be adjusted to the soft and hard skills required by the job requirements. “Overall, I think the 2-day event was successful, on time. I’m happy with it. And like last year, this event greatly impacted students; after the training, the participants were more understanding in preparing job application letters, Curriculum Vitae to pass the interview session and understand the tips and tricks, especially FGD and Psychotest. It is also necessary to improve communication skills and speak English for most questions and answers,” said Jahnawi, the speaker.

The extraordinary enthusiasm of students made this event a success. The event’s success ended with the selection of 3 students who had the opportunity to be directly mentored by Mr. Jahnawi. Similar to the previous year, this valuable opportunity was held until the selected students succeeded in getting a job.

Malika hopes that by holding the CV Preparation Training 2023, participants will be able to understand and broaden their horizons about CVs, Job Application Letters, and Interviews in preparation for today’s world of work. In addition, by holding this event, Malika wishes to provide self-equipment to each participant to support student readiness in entering the world of work.

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