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Field Assessment by the LAM INFOKOM Assessor Team in the framework of the Informatics FSM UNDIP Accreditation Visitation

Based on the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2020 concerning Accreditation of Study Programs and Higher Education, BAN-PT or Independent Accreditation Institutions (LAM) can carry out Accreditation Institutions. The quality of a tertiary institution is determined by the quality of management in a tertiary institution which is determined by various predetermined criteria, as well as the quality of a department or study program.

The quality of a study program is determined through criteria based on Higher Education National Standards (SNPT), which is implemented through an activity called Study Program Accreditation. One of those accrediting the Undergraduate Informatics study program is the Informatics and Computer Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM INFOKOM).

The Informatics and Computer Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM INFOKOM) carried out an offline field assessment of the FSM Undip Informatics Study Program by presenting two assessors Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Nurdiati, M.Sc. (Bogor Agricultural Institute) and Dr. Ir. Petrus Mursanto, M.Sc. (University of Indonesia) on Thursday, July 20, 2023.

The field assessment, which was carried out for two days at the Acintya Prasada Building, 4th floor, was opened by Dr. Farikhin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. as Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM), attended by Deputy Dean II, Chair of LP2MP, FSM Leaders, Heads of Departments and Study Programs, Accreditation and Invitation Teams, Information System Manager (Chairman of UP2TI), Chair of UP3ST, Managers and supervisors along with students, alumni and guests.

Deputy Dean I expressed his warmest welcome and appreciation to the assessors (LAM INFOKOM) who were present. He hopes that the field assessment obtained by the Informatics Study Program can show how the study program’s quality is improved.

The first day of the assessors’ visitation at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip began with the opening of the assessment, introduction of the assessor panel, and reading and signing of the Statement. Furthermore, the field assessment process of the visitation session was explicitly for lecturers, education staff, students, and alumni, followed by confirmation with the UPPS leadership regarding the UPPS development macro policy, governance system, management system, and reported institutional achievements. Verification of LKPS/Excel data of UPPS/Prodi data, Sessions with Internal Quality Assurance Executors related to confirmation of the implementation of SPMI results and effectiveness, which includes the PPEPP cycle, checking standard manual documents, instruments/tools, periodic reports, and proof of SPMI follow-up. After confirming with the quality assurance team, confirm data and information in the Self Evaluation Report (LED) with the study program accreditation team. Not only that, during the implementation of the field assessment, an interview session was also held with a group of lecturers and students, student representatives from the Informatics and Computer Study Programs, and alumni.

Field Assessment Session conducts direct checks of existing facilities and infrastructure in the Informatics Study Program, such as laboratory equipment used for student practice in learning and conducting research. The assessor team, accompanied by the leadership of the Dean and the Head of the Laboratory, visited the Master of Mathematics laboratories one by one by checking the completeness of each lab with a different function, such as the Computing Laboratory, AP Mukim Room floor 4, Classroom, AP Lecturer Room floor 3, libraries and so on. Not only that, but the assessor team also approached and asked students several questions regarding the library’s internet network.

In the last session, the assessor team independently prepared draft minutes and recommendations for accreditation results. After submitting the results of the proposals, the field assessment was closed by checking and reading the minutes to the UPPS leadership and signing the minutes of the Field Assessment and Submission of Accreditation Results Recommendations. (Yeye)


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