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Extraordinary! Syaikha, UNDIP Vocational School Student, Achieves 5 IPRs

Continuing with the impressive achievements of students from the Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology (TRKI) program at the UNDIP Vocational School, members of ICEDEEP Team won first place ( for their innovation in the Digitalization of Mina Padi ( at the Social and Technology Innovation Challenge (SoTech) competition organized by PT Pertamina Refinery Unit III Plaju Palembang, South Sumatra, on June 2, 2024.

The ICEDEEP team, led by Syaikha Butsaina Dhiya’ulhaq, commonly known as Syaikha, who is an accomplished student from the class of 2020 admitted through the Selective Potential Student Admission (PSSB) route, has made remarkable achievements. Syaikha has secured 5 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), including IPR numbers:

Additionally, she has published one reputable international paper titled “Effect of Demineralization on Gelatin Production from Grasshopper (Valanga nigricornis) as an Alternative of Halal Gelatin,” along with several mass media publications.

From the beginning of her university journey, Syaikha aimed to be an active student by trying various new experiences. She participated in multiple activities such as internal study program organizations (HM TRKI), inter-university organizations (Society of Petroleum Engineers UNDIP Student Chapter), committees, scientific writing competitions, community service, assisting in faculty projects, and becoming a practical assistant.

Inspired by the Latin proverb “Non schole sed vitae discimus,” which means “We learn not for school, but for life,” Syaikha is motivated to prioritize lifelong learning, not just during formal education. She believes in continuously learning new things throughout life. “Never let yourself become uneducated by stopping to learn. Keep learning and trying new experiences because the world is always evolving,” she said.

“If you stop learning, falling behind becomes a risk you must bear in the future. Moreover, you will never know which learning and experiences will lead to even greater opportunities. Therefore, stay motivated to pursue education!” urged Syaikha.

Syaikha and her team have participated in various competitions and events, achieving notable success, including:

For Syaikha, UNDIP has always supported its students’ achievements by providing access to necessary facilities, including materials, accommodation, mentorship, and publication resources for competition preparation.

“Not only does UNDIP support students aiming for achievements, but it also provides adequate learning resources, such as a comfortable library with service hours until 7 PM for assignments or discussions, access to several paid international journals that are very helpful when needing the latest literature, and a competent and easily understandable curriculum and teaching staff,” said Syaikha. (DHW-Public Relations)

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