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UNDIP Provides Assistance for Governance and Performance Improvement

Semarang (17/12) – In an effort to enhance understanding and capability in addressing increasingly complex risk challenges, the Planning and Development Agency (Badan Perencanaan dan Pengembangan / BPP) of Universitas Diponegoro organized a risk management training program titled Coaching Clinic: Strategies for Implementing Risk Management to Transform Governance and Improve Performance in the ISBI Aceh Assistance Program Towards PTN BLU in 2024. The coaching clinic aims to equip directors and managers at UNDIP, as risk owners, with the skills needed to identify, evaluate, and manage risks within their respective work units.

This event was held from December 13 to 15, 2024, at the Alila Hotel, Solo. The program was designed to help participants understand various types of risks that organizations may face, ranging from financial and operational risks to those associated with technological changes and global market shifts.

The Vice Rector for Planning, Finance, Assets, Business, and General Affairs emphasized that the coaching clinic aims to provide a deep understanding of the basic concepts and principles of risk management; develop skills in identifying and analyzing risks that may impact organizational continuity; formulate effective mitigation strategies to minimize risk impacts; enhance the ability to integrate risk management into decision-making processes; and foster a sustainable risk-awareness culture.

The Head of BPP UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA, outlined the topics covered in the coaching clinic, which included Introduction to Risk Management and Its Importance for Organizations; Risk Identification and Analysis Techniques; Risk Measurement and Assessment; Development of Mitigation and Contingency Strategies; Case Studies: Managing Risks in Organizations; Implementation of Risk Management Frameworks in Organizations; Evaluation and Monitoring of the Risk Management Process.

The coaching clinic featured two key speakers. The first speaker is Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., CMA, CRP, CERG, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, who presented material on Strategies for Implementing Risk Management to Transform Governance and Improve Performance. The second speaker, Zulkifli, Coordinator of Consultation and Risk Management at UGM’s Internal Audit Unit (Satuan Pengawas Internal / SPI), shared insights on Risk Management Implementation at Universitas Gadjah Mada.

The program also served as a mentoring session for the Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) Aceh, represented by Vice Rector for Planning, Finance, and General Affairs, Dr. Ir. Marwan, S.Si., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng., and his team. They gained insights into risk management practices at UNDIP and UGM.

The coaching clinic is expected to enhance understanding of risk management and foster a risk-aware culture, ultimately improving performance and establishing organizational governance that is agile and responsive to global changes. (Ut-Media Relations)

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