UNDIP, Semarang (January 24, 2025) – At the beginning of the year, Indonesia mourns the devastating landslide disaster in Pekalongan Regency, Jawa Tengah. Triggered by heavy rain that began on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 6:00 PM, several areas were affected by landslides, resulting in casualties and missing persons. Upholding the spirit of Noble and Valuable UNDIP, the Universitas Diponegoro’s Institute of Research and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat / LPPM) deployed the Diponegoro Disaster Assistance Response Team (D-DART). D-DART is a disaster response unit consisting of volunteers from both within UNDIP (faculty, staff, and students) and external members. These volunteers possess various areas of expertise, including medical and non-medical fields.
The first batch of the D-DART team was dispatched by the Vice Chair of Community Service and the Vice Chair of Research at LPPM UNDIP on Friday, January 24, 2025. The team, divided into two groups, functioned as a Surveillance Team in the disaster-affected areas of Petungkriyono and Kajen Subdistricts. Due to the challenging terrain and the potential for further landslides, the team was required to exercise caution for their safety. Their primary task was to conduct an initial assessment at the disaster site and evaluate the logistical and medical needs required. This assessment would ensure that future relief deployments would be more targeted and effective based on the actual conditions on-site.
Departing in the morning and returning to campus in the early hours of the next day, the team delivered logistical aid and met with Agus Paranoto, Acting Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah / BPBD) of Pekalongan Regency. Based on field observations and discussions with local volunteer teams, LPPM UNDIP will deploy a second and third team comprising medical personnel to provide healthcare services, trauma healing assistance, and additional logistics in collaboration with the Pekalongan Regency Health Office.
“As directed by the Rector, UNDIP, as a noble and valuable institution, must be present and engaged with the community—not only in research but also in community service. The D-DART volunteer team, managed under LPPM, is a tangible manifestation of UNDIP’s commitment to serving society, particularly in Jawa Tengah,” stated Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Si., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, Collaboration, and Public Communication.
As of now, 24 fatalities have been reported, with 26 individuals still missing. The volunteer team comprises faculty members and students, including:
Lecturer Team:
- Nur Hafizhah Widyaningtyas, S.Kep., M.Kep. (Faculty of Medicine)
- Marsha Yoke Nancy, S.Kep., Ns., M.N.Sc. (Faculty of Medicine)
- Aldani Putri Wijayanti, S.Psi., M.Sc. (Faculty of Psychology)
Student Team:
- Umar Dani (Faculty of Medicine)
- Aisyah Mazaya Syazwana (Faculty of Public Health)
- Ilham Deryan (Faculty of Medicine)
May the victims and volunteers always be under the protection of the Almighty. Stay strong, Mother Earth. (AS)