Indonesia, as one of the countries with the longest coastlines, holds great potential for developing agriculture that is tolerant to high salinity, one of which is Biosaline rice. To maximize this potential, Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), through the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, has partnered with the National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional / BRIN) to conduct research on saline paddy farming in Jepara Regency.
The Head of the Jepara Campus Management Agency, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Widiasa, S.T., M.T., explained that the research collaboration was initiated following the planting of saline rice by the Mayor of Semarang in collaboration with BRIN. “UNDIP took the initiative to collaborate and take part in developing saline paddy farming. Our focus is on marine-related fields, including saline rice, and we are ready to work alongside BRIN,” said Prof. Nyoman.
Prof. Nyoman further hopes that the partnership between UNDIP and BRIN will contribute to the development of the marine sector with scientific, social, and economic impacts.
Tri Martini Patria, Coordinator of the Research Group at the Center for Sustainable Production Systems and Life Cycle Assessment (PRSPBPDH) at BRIN, stated that Biosaline is a superior rice variety tolerant to salinity.
“The varieties, officially named Biosalin 1 Agritan and Biosalin 2 Agritan, were released by the Ministry of Agriculture under Decree No. 894 and No. 895 of 2020. In addition to being salinity-tolerant, Biosaline rice is also somewhat resistant to brown planthoppers, bacterial leaf blight, and blast disease. The potential yield reaches 8.75 tons per hectare for Biosalin 1 and 9.06 tons per hectare for Biosalin 2,” said Tri Martini on Monday (December 23), as reported by BRIN’s website.
Biosaline rice is specifically developed to grow in high-salinity soil. This capability has the potential to enhance food security in coastal areas.
Through this collaboration, UNDIP demonstrates its commitment to supporting food security and reducing poverty rates in Jawa Tengah through various innovative and collaborative programs.
This is reported on the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) website.