Diponegoro University (Undip) and Bank Negara Indonesia (Indonesian State Bank – BNI) successfully held “BNI Goes To Campus: BNI Rookie 46 – Talent Search” at Parking Area of Prof. Soedharto Hall, Undip Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, on Wednesday (April 11, 2018).
Rookie 46 is a Program Management Trainee BNI specially designed to recruit the premium talents having global competences and willing to work for nation, and they will be candidates of the future leaders of BNI.
To approach its future leaders from Undip, BNI Goes To Campus held the event with agenda:
– Career at BNI by Alex Denni (SEVP Human Capital);
– Introducing YAP (Your All Payment) application;
– Music Accoustic Performance;
– Snack and doorprize.
The participants who are dominated by Undip students enthusiastically attended the event.
Vice Rector Dr Muhammad Zainuri said the Rookie 46 is able to make big contribution to Undip’s young generation.
“In the recent months, BNI’s pace is very tempestuous at Undip. It is very good. It can havr positive impacts to students for being nation future leaders,” he said.
Dr. Alex Denni, Senior Excecutive Vice President (SEVP) of Human Capital BNI, said that as BNI’s dedication to create future leaders, BNI launched a new program named Rookie 46 started this year.
Dr. Alex Denni said, for creating future leaders by Rookie 46, BNI intensively goes to universities in Indonesia, including Undip.(Oktora-HUMAS)