2019, Undip Focus On Increasing of HR Quality by Musrenang

Diponegoro University (Undip) will spur  lecturers and educational staff to increase their performance qualities, both in scientific publication and public services. Rector Prof. Yos Johan Utama said it while he was opening Undip conference on Monday (July 23, 2018).

“Undip will encourage lecturers and educational staff to increase their performance quality, both in scientific publication and public services,” Rector said, while addressing his speech at Musrenang (an Undip’s Conference of Planning, Program and Budget Priority) on Fiscal Year 2019 on Monday (July 23, 2018) at Santika Premier Hotel, Semarang.

Rector said on the first year of having PTNBH (Legal Entity State University) status, Undip has fixed data system, facilities and infrastructures, budgetting, and legal. On 2018, Undip stated as Year of Laboratory, which has prepared funds for laboratory due to research has to be  facilitated optimally. By fiscal year 2019, Undip has prepared programs and job goals, which is pointing at Human Resources quality.

Rector said that Undip does not only increase number of international publication and internationalize scientific journals, but it also assists lecturers for quickly patenting results of their research and Undip also makes accelaration program for Professor, i.e. lecturers who is submitting their professorate will take a Undip’s helpful of mentoring in international journal preparing. It is to boost number of professors and to enhance Undip’s science base and to encourage the post-graduated-lecturer for reaching doctoral program to support their faculties’ science bases and learning qualities.

He also said that Undip offered a policy loosening to lecturers who have not been taking the doctoral program yet. The lecturers, who are still serving structural positions, are allowed to join in doctoral program as long as the study will not disrupt their structural positions’ responsibilities. “To whom did not get doctoral program yet, please go to (doctoral) study immediately. Undip will offer free (tuition fee) for lecturers who  take doctoral program, for they who seriously join in doctoral program and did not have scholarship,” Rector said, in front of the Conference participants consisted of Deans, Directors, and other Undip’s structural officers.

Beside spurring lecturers in academics field, Undip will also provide some facilities to lecturers and educational staff, like free medical check up at Diponegoro National Hospital and umrah pilgrimage. Rector also reminded all faculties leaders to do procedurally good services to students and to involve them in determining Single Tuition Fee (STF).

“I ask faculties to involve students in doing check and re-check of students’ socio-economics conditions prior to define STF, to minimize objections/appeals or in deciding untargeted STF group. We reaffirm that don’t let any students failed their study as they can not afford to pay tuition fee. Undip will help them for solution, so they are able to keep on study,” the former Dean of Faculty of Law said.

Rector hoped this Musrenang can afford feedback or ideas to the University for all civitas academica’s welfare.

Meanwhile, as a representative of Field I, Vice Rector of Academics and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Zainuri, DEA said that on 2019 there are some new programs, like thematic Community Service Programs (CSP), Students Conselling, Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran, and KKIB (Entrepreneurship and Business Incubator) which overall can support the University Performance Indicators.

“Improving students activities, CSP, scholarship for lecturers, and output of scientific competence should be appropriately targeted, so students and lecturers have good competencies in handling national problems,” Prof. Zainuri said.

Furthermore, while presenting programs of Field II, Vice Rector of Resources Dr. Darsono, SE Akt, MBA said that priority of activities in order to achieve program goals and Undip Performance Indicators Academic Year 2019 includes program of asset structuring, campus developing, staffing structure (administrative, competencies improving, mutation-promotion, contract employee ~ contract professional, non-civil servants-Undip’s employee), and program of improving financial governance.

Darsono said, on 2019 Undip will apply zone system, i.e. business zone, service zone, education zone, and administration zone, which are to improve aesthetics so Undip campus is able to be an interesting edu-tourism destination.

Field of Communication and Business of Undip is presented by Vice Rector III Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D.

Budi said that Undip need to own excellent product, i.e. Undip graduates have to be absorbed by market employment place, Research Results and Innovations direct to downstreaming process of research results to industry, HR competence direct to actualize Undip’s HR roles to society.

Furthermore, on Field of Research and Innovations,  Undip Vice Rector IV Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. said that Undip has stepped to be superior research university through some phases so it reached target of being World Class University (WCU).

“To be superior research university, it need a lot of supports, like compatible organisational structure, modernization, enhancing conformity, supportive facilities and infrastructures, and financial supports,” Prof. Ambar said.*

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