Specialist Program or commonly called as PPDS is an advanced stage of a doctor’s education to become a specialist. Being accepted as a PPDS student certainly gives immense happiness and pride.
The Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Diponegoro University (Undip) together with the Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) and the Association of Indonesian Cardiovascular Specialists (PERKI) have held the 4th Webinar Series on Sunday (27/02) at 07.00 PM via Zoom meeting platform and live streaming on Undip Cardiology IG TV.
This webinar aimed to get to know more about the Cardiovascular Specialist Program at FK UNDIP and explore the journey of a PPDS student. The webinar entitled “Cardiovascular Educational Series: Episode 4” invited dr. Sefri Noventi S, Sp.JP, MSi.Med, FIHA, FAsCC., as resource person.
Cardiovascular Specialist Program of FK Undip is one of the 13 Cardiovascular Specialist Education Centers in Indonesia. The 13 Cardiovascular Specialist Education Centers include Diponegoro University, University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Airlangga University, Padjadjaran University, Brawijaya University, Sebelas Maret University, Udayana University, Hasanuddin University, Sam Ratulangi University, Andalas University, University of North Sumatra, and Syiah Kuala University.
Currently the Cardiovascular Specialist Program of FK Undip has been accredited A by LAM-PTKes with No.0369/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Spe/VI/2018. “Of the 13 total, Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program is one of higher education that has successfully won an A accreditation from LAM-PTKes. It was obtained in 2018 with a very good or excellent score,” said dr. Sefri Noventi S, Sp.JP., MSi.Med., FIHA., FAsCC.
The origin of this study program was when the Heart Disease unit was formed at dr. Kariadi in 1984. This unit has facilities for cardiac care, diagnostics, and management which are quite complete, thus forming the idea of forming a Cardiology Study Program initiated by Prof. Boedi Darmojo, Sp.PD.; dr. Anityo Mochtar, Sp.PD., Sp.JP.; dr. Prijanto Poerjoto, Sp.PD., Sp.JP.; dr. Sutikno Tanuwidjaja, Sp.PD., Sp.JP.; Prof. dr. Sugiri, Sp.PD., Sp.JP.; and dr. M. Sungkar Sp.PD., Sp.JP.
Then on October 8, 2002 through the Decree (SK) of the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Undip No. 62/J07.1.17/AK/2002, the formation of the Cardiology Section of FK Undip was determined. Then in 2010, the Cardiovascular Study Program of FK Undip officially organized the Cardiovascular Specialist Program (Sp.1). Currently dr. Pipin Ardhianto, SpJP(K), FIHA. is serving as the Chair of Cardiovascular Specialist Program of FK Undip.
In accordance with the Decree of the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Undip No. 76/UN7.5.4/HK/2022, the vision of Cardiovascular Specialist Program of FK Undip is to become the center of professional education for Cardiovascular Specialists based on excellent research in the field of coronary heart disease in 2024.
The teaching staff and students at the Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program also have very proud achievements. “Not only in the academic field, in the non-academic field, these PPDS students got many proud achievements, such as in the fields of arts, religion, as well as creative,” explained dr. Sefri who also serves as the Study Program’s Quality Assurance Group.
Furthermore, dr. Sefri conveyed that Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program is equipped with facilities and infrastructure for a heart examination that is quite complete. These facilities include Echocardiography, Cathlab, CVCU, Cardiac Surgery, EP-Lab, TMT, Holter, Vascular Doppler, Nuclear CT, and MRI. “Alhamdulillah, Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program with its head office at RSUP dr. Kariadi and the Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) are facilitated with complete facilities and infrastructure for cardiac examinations, even with very good and up-to-date specifications. So for education, the facilities can support the success of the education of the prospective cardiologist,” she added.
Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program routinely holds scientific activities in the fields of education and research including guest lectures in collaboration with speakers from within and outside the country. In addition to being active in the fields of education and research, the Cardiovascular Specialist Program is also active in the field of community service.
“We are quite active in the field of community service, both staff and students. We distribute souvenirs and merchandise to heart patients, then conduct training in collaboration with other agencies. We also actively conduct online counseling via radio and webinars through the Zoom meeting platform or Youtube,” stated dr. Sefri.
In addition to education, research, and community service, Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program also has extracurricular activities that accommodate the interests and talents of students. “We also have extracurricular activities for PPDS, for example futsal, mini soccer, badminton, English club, and dance. There are also religious activities such as recitation, iftar and tarling. For recitation, we held it routinely every month but virtually because of the pandemic. So in principle, we will always facilitate the interests and talents of PPDS by providing facilities and infrastructure,” she continued.
The capacity of PPDS candidates of Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program in 2022 is 8 people. Meanwhile, for the registration process for Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program, you can visit the pmb.undip.ac.id page to find out more information. There requirements to register at Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program are as follows:
- ACLS PERKI Course Certificate which is still valid
- PERKI ECG Course Certificate
- UNDIP TOEFL Course Certificate with a minimum score of 500
- Have work experience in Hospital/Puskesmas/Clinic at least 1 year (outside Internship)
- Psychological Test category I, II, and III
- Psychiatric Test with minimum of average score
- Participants have never taken the PPDS of Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program Examination >= 2 times
- Have a work placement plan after graduation (proven by valid documents)
“Based on the curriculum map, the PPDS students of Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program can graduate after 4 years of study, of course after going through all the stages,” mentioned dr. Sefri.
dr. Sefri said that based on a survey conducted to Alumni of PPDS of Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program, it showed that the waiting period for graduates to get a job as a Cardiovascular Specialist was approximately 3 months or as much as 100 percent.
The survey for the job category is quite satisfactory as 92.9 percent. As for the curriculum category taken while studying at the PPDS of Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program, which is relevant to the current job, the result is 100 percent. There are currently 63 alumni of PPDS of Undip Cardiovascular Specialist Program in many regions in Indonesia.
“For now, the need for cardiologists is still quite a lot considering that heart disease is still one of the diseases with a fairly high prevalence,” concluded dr. Sefri. (Dhany – Public Relations)