Public Lecture at the Faculty of Law UNDIP Presented KPU Chairperson

Division of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law (FH), Diponegoro University, held a Public Lecture with a theme “Integrity and Professionalism of the KPU in Creating Democratic Elections” by presenting resource person Hasyim Asy’ari, S.H., M.Si., Ph.D. (Chairman of the General Elections Commission/KPU), Tuesday (28/3).

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum said the theme of this public lecture was very strategic and very important to hold because in 2024 Indonesia would hold a big democratic party.

“Indonesia is a people-sovereign country, meaning that the people are in power so that it must be guaranteed in the exercise of power for the people themselves, namely how the people make their choices. Then the KPU as the election organizer certainly has a task that is not easy because it must be able to run elections that are truly democratic. This democracy is also supported by good regulations including from the process itself which requires high professionalism and good moral integrity. The efforts are also not easy, the KPU is trying hard to guarantee the implementation of a democratic election with a process that is professional and has integrity,” said Prof. Retno.

“Hopefully this public lecture will not only add insight but at the same time serve as a medium of learning. Let’s all synergize with each other to help organize good elections, such as being good voters and organizers in elections so that Indonesia truly becomes a democratic country,” she continued.

On his occasion, Hasyim Asy’ari delivered material on the “New Design of State Administration After the Amendment to the Indonesian Constitution”. According to him, the state in organizing the government depends on and obeys a set of laws and fundamental principles that have been outlined in the constitution.

“Constitutionalism is part of the preconditions of democracy, because democracy presupposes the existence of a limitation of the authority of power which is regulated in a clear legal instrument. The goals of a constitutional state include maintaining order and peace, maintaining power, managing matters relating to the public interest. Meanwhile, the aim of the Constitution is to maintain a balance between order, power and freedom,” he said.

“Meanwhile, the purpose of elections in Indonesia is to elect state officials. The officials elected in the election are members of the DPR members, DPD members, members of the Provincial DPRD and Regency/Municipal DPRD, the President and Vice President, and Regional Heads and Deputy Regional Heads,” concluded the KPU chairman. (Lin – Public Relations)

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