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Chair of UNDIP Academic Senate: The Role of MSA PTN-BH throughout Indonesia to Strengthen Research Culture

Diponegoro University held a Plenary Session of the Academic Senate Council for Legal Entity State Universities (MSA PTN-BH) in 2023 with the theme “Strengthening Transdisciplinary Research Culture in Indonesian Higher Education” on Friday-Saturday, December 24-25, 2023 at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building Undip-Tembalang.

In order to respond to the challenges and dynamics of higher education management, the Academic Senate Leaders of 21 Legal Entity State Universities (MSA PTN-BH), who are gathered in the MSA PTN-BH, continue to strive to contribute to improving the quality of Indonesian higher education. In accordance with the role of the Academic Senate as one of the university organs that has the task of improving the quality of Higher Education, it is necessary to respond quickly and appropriately to external developments. Higher education institutions must strategically and intelligently prepare and have solutions to the problems faced by the Indonesian people and nation in relation to the development of science, technology and arts (Science and Technology).

In his remarks, the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. said this activity talked about the nation’s progress through research efforts.

“The plenary session of MSA PTN-BH is something very strategic as we are all aware that we are attending something strategic that requires thinking to produce brilliant decisions. The hope is that these decisions can later be adopted as a joint agreement as a guide,” said Prof. Yos.

The aims and objectives of the activity include building discussions and providing suggestions regarding the direction of research goals, policies and strategies in Indonesia in relation to the development of science and technology, exchanging ideas regarding good practices in strengthening research culture, especially transdisciplinarity, analyzing the situation regarding the outcome of research by universities in Indonesia in realizing transdisciplinary research, exploring and finding common ground between the research policies of the Directorate General of Higher Education and the direction of research carried out by universities, and formulating a grid (model) for higher education research in efforts to develop Science, Technology and Arts (IPTEKS) in Indonesia.

“I am pleased because, as fellow PTN-BH, we can meet in this activity. We will become more aware of our existence, strengthen each other as fellow PTN-BH, and later, we will be able to provide input to our respective university leaders from this MSA PTN-BH session,” said Prof. Ir. Edy Rianto, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. as the Chair of Undip Academic Senate.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Academic Senate of Gadjah Mada University and Chair of 21 MSA PTN-BH, Prof. Dr. Sulistiowati, S.H., M.Hum., said that this plenary session was aimed at finding strategies to strengthen research culture among PTN-BH which could later lead to solutions.

“We hope that with this plenary session, we will find strategies to strengthen the research culture among PTN-BH to find smart and comprehensive solutions amidst the increasingly complex and difficult challenges of the Indonesian nation,” explained Prof. Sulistiowati.

This activity is a follow-up to the MSA PTN-BH Working Visit to France on October 14-20, 2023. In this Working Visit, input was obtained that the scope of research in France has gone far in the form of research activities involving many scientific disciplines. As an effort to follow up on the results of the Working Visit, efforts are needed to discuss the existing conditions of research currently carried out by universities in Indonesia, the problems faced, and the policies and research programs that need to be established by higher education institutions in Indonesia. This effort was made in order to obtain solutions to the problems faced by the Indonesian nation in the fields of science, technology, and arts development. Discussion of issues in the area of research is carried out by exchanging information and ideas about strategies and implementation of research programs implemented in universities in Indonesia. (LW-Public Relations)

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