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Faculty of Medicine UNDIP Student Took Part in the Student Exchange Program to Sakura Country

Thursday, December 14, 2023. The Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University (Undip), has once again strengthened its reputation as a progressive educational institution by sending a delegation of talented students to the Student Exchange program at Shinshu University, Japan. The student, under the guidance of dr. Nani Maharani, M.Si.Med., Ph.D., Hanif Nurrifqi (Student of the Medical Professional Education Study Program) had the opportunity to undergo a clinical clerkship at Shinshu University Hospital for four weeks to deepen his clinical knowledge and experience.

The Student Exchange Program is an annual event organized by the Shinshu University School of Medicine in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine Undip. After this activity is carried out, the medical knowledge and experience gained by the delegation can be applied and developed in Indonesia, especially for the Faculty of Medicine Undip.

This activity was carried out in accordance with the departments chosen by the delegation, namely the Nephrology Department and Gastroenterology Department. Clinical practice activities in the Nephrology Department are carried out every working day from November 6 – November 17, 2023. Meanwhile, in the Gastroenterology Department, they are held on November 20 – December 1, 2023. All activities, as well as the experience and knowledge gained by the delegation, are expected to be useful for medical science in Indonesia.

The 2023 Student Exchange Program at Shinshu University Japan not only provides benefits for participants but also increases the reputation of the Faculty of Medicine Undip as a progressive educational institution that continues to innovate in providing a comprehensive learning experience for its students.

Apart from that, this activity is also expected to build relationships with lecturers and students at Shinshu University and strengthen relations between the Faculty of Medicine Undip and Shinshu University.

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