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FISIP Undip Celebrated Its 55th Anniversary with the Inauguration of New Facilities

Semarang, 11/1 – This morning, the Theater Room, Building C Floor 1 FISIP Undip Tembalang Campus is chosen as the place of celebration of the 55th Anniversary of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University (FISIP Undip). This event, which was held as part of a series of celebrations, was also marked by the initiation of new facilities within the FISIP Undip environment.

Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Hardi Warsono, M.T., officially opened this activity, which was attended by the leading officials of FISIP Undip, including the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol., Admin., Deputy Dean of Resources, Ika Riswanti Putranti, S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Secretary of the Faculty Academic Senate, as well as Heads of Departments and Study Programs within FISIP Undip. The administration manager and supervisors, lecturers, and education staff at FISIP Undip were also present, along with student representatives from BEM and the FISIP Undip Senate.

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Hardi Warsono, M.T., expressed his gratitude for the journey of FISIP Undip for 55 years. He emphasized how important the role of all campus elements is in producing a generation of quality and able to compete at the global level. Prof. Hardi also commented on the ongoing construction of several new facilities within the FISIP environment, such as connecting corridors between buildings and renovating the Student Activity Center (PKM) space, which will also be inaugurated. Apart from that, he also explained several plans, such as building new buildings, managing clean water, and improving several other facilities.

This celebration event becomes even more lively with the cutting of tumpeng as a symbol of blessing and success. Apart from that, this momentum was also used to inaugurate new facilities within FISIP Undip. Cutting the ribbon and releasing doves in front of the Student Activities Center marked the inauguration of the newly renovated room.

The new facilities are designed with luxurious and comfortable interiors, aiming to provide the best comfort for students in carrying out various academic and non-academic activities. This renovation is part of FISIP Undip’s efforts to continue to innovate and deliver the best service to the academic community.

The 55th Anniversary of FISIP Undip activities is not just a celebration but also a momentum for reflection and collective reflection on future achievements and challenges. FISIP Undip will continue to be successful and make a significant contribution to the progress of education and science in Indonesia and the world.

Source: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Undip

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