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ITroSCo 2024 Invites International Students to Explore Indonesia’s Marine Ecosystem

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) at Diponegoro University inaugurated “The 6th International Tropical Summer Course (ITroSCo) 2024” on Monday, August 19, 2024. With the theme “Diverse Depth: Exploring the Marine Biodiversity of Indonesia,” this event is aimed at international students (holders of non-Indonesian passports). Sixty-five participants from 13 countries across 4 continents, along with 9 Buddies, attended the event.

The Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Prof. Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., delivered the opening remarks, officially launching the ITroSCo 2024 series of activities.

“We hope that during this summer course, we can get to know each other and establish good collaborations in the future in the fields of study and research, culture, and other activities,” he said in his speech.

The AIS (Archipelagic and Island States) Forum, which is committed to its continuity, fully supported the event. This support highlights the importance of international collaboration in exploring and preserving Indonesia’s marine biodiversity.

With the first class led by Dr. Udhi on “Seagrass Ecology,” ITroSCo 2024 has become an essential platform for international students to learn about Indonesia’s rich and diverse marine ecosystems. This event also helps participants build solid global networks in the marine field.

It is hoped that this event will establish better cooperation in the future, both in studies, research, and other cultural activities.

Contact: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University

Email: fpik@undip.ac.id

Website: www.fpik.undip.ac.id

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