DEMAK, Thursday (July 26, 2018) – Diponegoro University (Undip) Rector Prof. Yos Johan Utama confirmed to open two study programs in Undip’s campus Demak on new academic year 2018/2019.
The both study programs are Accounting and Mechanical Engineering. The first year’s new students admission will take place on mid-August by online selection of vocational student admissions. “Each
study programs take 60 students, so the both programs will admit 120 students,” Prof. Yos Johan Utama said at Regent Office of Demak, after signing Memorandum of Understanding between Undip andRegency Government of Demak on development of Undip campus in Demak.
The MoU was signed by Undip Rector Prof. Yos Johan Utama and Demak Regent Muhammad Natsir. Prof. Johan said, Undip’s Demak campus is an official campus of Undip located in Demak Regency. “So, this is
an independent campus of Undip, it is not branch of Undip,” Rector said while he was accompanying by
Demak Regent Muhammad Natsir and Dean of Faculty of Vocational School Prof. Budiyono.
Beside in Demak, Undip also built a campus in Rembang, Jepara, Batang, and Pekalongan. However,the
Undip campus in Demak will temporarily located at a building owned by Demak Government, where it is
used for campus of Akademi Komunitas Negeri (State Community Academy / AKN) Demak.
Supporting Facilities
As a campus committed to create excellent graduates, the both study programs will be equipped by
appropriate supporting facilities.
“Especially, mechanical engineering students will use Demak Government’s Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) as
their training spot. “There are enough supporting devices, so it needs to adjust to curriculum for suitable
with Undip’s curriculum,” he said.
Of the quota of 120 students, Undip will give scholarship chances to outstanding poor-students. The
scholarship is also gave to prospective students who memorized minimal 20 juz Alquran. It is believed
that Presence of Undip’s Demak will drive the progress of human resources and regional development,
as education aspect have dominant effects to boost a progress of regional development. Meanwhile,
Budiyono said that next year Undip has planned to add number of study programs opened in the Kota
Wali (Demak). “We will see the first year development. Insya Allah (God willing), every year will be op
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