Undip Faculty of Engineering Targets More Intellectual Property Rights in the Industrial Age 4.0

To support the government’s program of “Making Indonesia 4.0” in increasing innovations and creating ecosystems supporting innovations in the Industrial Era 4.0, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University (Undip), on 4 – 5 December 2018 at GKU Dean Building, Faculty of Engineering, Tembalang Campus, held a “Workshop on Strategic” Management of Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright & Patent Process”. This activity was attended by Undip’s researchers,  administration staff and representatives from several universities in Indonesia. The workshop was held by Undip Faculty of Engineering in collaboration with  the National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT) – ITB in the container for the Sustainable Electric Based Center for Collaborative Research (CCR), and sponsored by Sustainable Higher Education Research Alliance (SHERA)/USAID.

The workshop was opened by  Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, MSc, PhD and invited three speakers, namely:

1) Ir. Razil, MSi, Director of Intellectual Property Rights of Information Technology (IP IT), from Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP), Ministry of Law and Human Rights, who presented topic of: “Anticipation of IPR management in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0” and “Anticipation and solutions to patent disputes and other IPR conflicts at National and International level”.

2) Mohammad Hendra Wibowo, SPt., Coordinator of IPR and Innovation, Directorate of Research and Innovation – IPB, who presented topic of “Role of IP Centers in IPR Management” and “Intellectual Property Valuation (IP Valuation), especially Patents (technology)”.

3) Ragil Yoga Edi, S.H., LLM.  Head of Innovation Center, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), who presented topic of “From Lab To Market: Strategy of IP Commercialization for Academics” and “Techniques of  Negotiation & Communication on Technology Transfer” and was continued with session of “patent coaching” for participants who have draft patent .

In this workshop, Agung Wibowo said that good trend of increasing the number of IPRs at Undip Faculty of Engineering needs a better IPR management strategy so its IPRs could actually bring benefits to Undip and others both in national and international scale. Challenges and problems in IPR management need to be early anticipated for entering the era of Industry 4.0  where the better ability to manage IPR is one of driving forces.

Undip Faculty of Engineering targets more IPRs in the era of Industrial 4.0. It has been known that Industry 4.0 provides more innovative potentials for researchers in the Faculty of Engineering. Industry 4.0 was marked by rapid developments of technologies, such as Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Machine Interfaces, robotic and sensor technology, and 3D Printing technology.

Ending his speech, the Dean Agung Wibowo emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary researchers collaboration and collaboration between universities, industries and  government so that Indonesia would be successful in the era of Industry 4.0.


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