Undip FSPS Held Social Service in Realizing Three Principles of Higher Education

Diponegoro University (Undip)’s Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FSPS) held a social service in Gemawang Village, Jambu Sub-District, Semarang Regency, Saturday (24/11/2018). This social service, or “baksos” which stands for “bakti sosialin Bahasa Indonesia, is an activity in realizing humanity’s concern for others. The event was attended by the Undip FSPS Dean, IKA FISIP Undip (association of FSPS alumni) chairperson, Director General of Ministry of Home Affairs, Semarang Regent, Head of Jambu Sub-District along with his staff and civitas academica (academics community).

The Dean of FSPS Dr. Sunarto thanked to IKA FISIP Undip (Association of Undip FSPS Alumni) for supporting the social service.

The Dean said this activity can strengthen our kinship to others. “This activity is to provide certain benefits and objectives as well as it is one of the real manifestations of Three Principles of Higher Education,”  the Dean said.

In the event, programs were not only Baksos (social service) but there were several other activities, such as free medical treatment for local people, Live In program of Faculty of Medicine, and a talk show themed “Governance of Bumdes” (in Bahasa Indonesia, “Bumdes” stands for “badan usaha milik desa”; it means a village-run enterprise). At the talkshow, there are 4 speakers, namely Joko Winarno (Director Bumdes Ponggok Klaten), Endang Basuni (Director General of Village Government Development of Ministry of Home Affairs), Drs. Sudaryanto (Head of Dispermades Disdukcapil Prov. Central Java), and Dr. Ari Sujito (expert of political social sciences from Gajah Mada University).

Sunarto said that Undip FSPS is ready to follow up problems in the local community  by doing joint studies to find potential and solutions for the community empowerment, and by developing a Thematic Community Service Program.

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