A Contest of Multipurpose Building Design Ideas at Diponegoro University

The Diponegoro University Multipurpose Buildings (GSG) Design Idea Competition is a collaboration between Diponegoro University and the Association of Indonesian Architects of Central Java Province. This competition was held with the aim of getting innovative, creative and applicative design results in this case the Facilities in the Educational Area.

The jury consists of Dr. Ir. Jatmika Adi Suryabrata (lecturer, practitioner), M. Archica Danisworo (practitioner), Prof. Yandi Andri Yatmo, ST, M.Arch, Ph.D (lecturer, practitioner), Ir. Adrianto P. Adhi (property business), and honorary jury of Diponegoro University Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum.

The registration was opened on March 11-20 April 2019. The total participants who have been registered are 85 participants from various cities in Indonesia and abroad. The total participants who have submitted their design products are 62 participants and that are from Singapore, Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Bandung, medan, padang, Jakarta, Gorontalo, Jogjakarta, Semarang, etc.

The judging consists of 2 stages with phase 1 for sorting 5 finalists, held on April 24, 2019 at the Architecture Department of the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University and stage 2 for judging. It was held at the Grand Edge Hotel, on May 3, 2019 to determine the order of winners with the following results:

The 1st place was won by participants with a code GSG12, namely Ahmad Setiadi and Dyah Pratitya Nareswari, an IAI members who worked in Singapore, 2nd place was won by participants with a code GSG08, 3rd place was won by participants with a code GSG72, and for the runner-up winner were won by GSG75 and GSG03. The 1st place winner gets a prize of Rp. 150 million, the second winner gets a prize of Rp. 75 million, the third winner gets a prize of Rp. 25 million, and the runner ups gets Rp. 7.5 million each.

(a photo of the winner with the undip’s rector)

1st place: Kocomotokoco GSG12

  • Ahmad Setiadi (Group Leader)
  • Diah Pratitya Nareswari

2nd place: Urbane GSG08

  • Achmad D. Tardiyana (Group Leader)
  • Irvan P. Darwis
  • Alva P. Sondakh
  • Roid Thomi
  • Rifky Muhammad Ramadhan

3rd place: Peacock GSG72

  • Agung Budi Sardjono (Group Leader)
  • Deni Wahyu Setiawan
  • Tio Natalia Sari Cahyadi
  • Gustav Anandhita
  • Kristoporus Prime Loka

Runner ups: Sangkuriang GSG03

  • Arief Widjananto (Group Leader)
  • Aris Munandar
  • Mishael Banjarnahor
  • Sandi Supriadi

Runner ups: Access GSG75

  • Anwar Baihaqi (Group Leader)
  • Mochammad Dani Khasan
  • Kurnia Bagus Saputra
  • Abednego Glen Yogi

Congratulation for the winner.

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