Tegal and Jepara Districts Welcomes Undip Students of KKN Team II

Representing the Regent of Tegal, Drs. Abasari, MM., As the expert staff of the Regent of Social Affairs and Human Resources, delivered a speech from the Regent at Student Reception Program of KKN Undip Team II in Pargerang Subdistrict Lebaksiu Subdistrict, and Tegal District, in Amangkurat Pendopo, Tegal.  (8/7). “Through this KKN, it is hoped that it will be able to make a positive contribution in motivating, transferring knowledge, technology and information as part of capacity building, shaping people’s mindsets to be more productive and competitive in the economic and social sectors,” he said.

Abasari said that the implementation of Community Service Program as a form of tri dharma implementation, especially related to its contribution to society is also an experience that can be used as material for evaluation and improvement as well as innovation in the lecture process. For this reason, students are expected to be able to adapt to the local community, build good communication with stakeholders, maintain the cohesiveness and togetherness and manage their time as smart as possible so that the implementation of Community Service Program works effectively and efficiently.

Representing the Undip’s Vice Rector II, Dr. Eng. Agus Setiawan, S.Si., M.Sc as Vice Director of Student affairs said there were a total of 212 Undip students deployed in Pargerang and Lebaksiu Subdistricts that immediately mingled with the community, looking for creative ideas and work programs and applying the knowledge they got in the lecture. “Hopefully they can establish interaction with the community and put a practice of the theory to be applied in the field,” he said.

318 Undip KKN Students Deployed in Jepara District

“KKN is important in providing benefits to students and the community as a learning experience for students to implement and develop their knowledge.There were 318 students that will work together to help the community towards better development”. This was stated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., as Undip Vice Rector IV in the Welcoming Event of Undip KKN in Jepara District (9/7).

Representing the Acting Jepara Regent, Assistant I of Jepara Regional Secretariat, Abdul Syukur said the benefits of KKN includes the implementation of higher education institutions in the community, a strategic method for developing communication, intellectuality, cooperation skills and providing benefits for village development. “Hopefully the students will be able to increase the prosperity and quality of life of the community, the community gets new knowledge and of course students are able to cooperate well with the community themselves”.

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