Undip Soft-Launches an Integrated Service Unit

The Diponegoro University held a Soft-Opening for the Integrated Service Unit in ULT Room, Widya Puraya Building, Undip – Tembalang (3/9). The Integrated Service Unit is a unit that will serve various needs, be it students, lecturers, employees and the general public.

According to Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H, M.Hum, the launches of the Integrated Service Unit (ULT) will takes a role as an information center so that Undip can be more transparent and open. 

“ULT will help providing information and service center, which means that it is one of the important units in Undip,” he explained.

ULT supports Undip’s vision of improving their quality, especially in its service sectors, both academic and administrative. This means that the service management needs to be designed very well to ensure the quality of service in the Undip environment.

ULT which is located in the Widya Puraya building will serve direct services, IT services, PPID, LAPOR! services, as well as joint secretariat with FRI.

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