Diponegoro University’s FPIK is holding the 5th ICTCRED (International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development) on 17-18 September 2019 at Gumaya Hotel, Semarang. The event was attended by the Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Prof. Ambariyanto, the Dean of FPIK Prof. Tri Winarni and its staff, the Dean of Faculty of Law Undip Prof. Retno Saraswati, and academics from various marine and military fields, as well as the academic communities.

The international seminar is an annual event that aims to promote and disseminate research results regarding “Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development”. This year’s ICTRED theme is “Integrated Coastal Management for Sustainable Development”. There were several key speakers who contributed to 2019 ICTCRED, including:

  • Budi P. Resosudarmo from Australian National University, Australia with expertise in fisheries economics
  • Erik de Ruijter van Steveninck, Ph.D from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands with expertise in marine and marine ecology
  • Hiroki Saeki, Ph.D. from Hokaido University, Japan with expertise in food science and technology from marine products.
  • Dr. Eddy Pratomo, SH., MA from Diponegoro University in the field of coastal policy expertise.
  • Tony Hadibarata from Curtin University, Malaysia with expertise in environmental microbiology.

The head of the seminar committee Dr. Aris Ismanto, S.Sc., M.Sc. said that through this seminar, FPIK Diponegoro University encouraged academics, researchers and students to publish their research results in reputable international journals and proceedings. It is expected that this activity will be followed by more than 200 presenters from more than 4 countries. The plan for the results of the research that were presented at ICTCRED 2019 will be published to the proceedings of the Institute of Physics (IOP), Biodiversity, WRA (World Researchers Associations), and AACL (Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation) Bioflux.

In line with the head of the committee, the Dean of FPIK Prof. Tri Winarni during the event added that the seminar was also a form of collaboration with the fields of law, social economy, and marine science.

“As we all know that Undip actually has a basic scientific pattern regarding the development of coastal areas, this basic pattern is used as the basis for organizing the conference,” said Prof. Tri.

The Dean hopes that the activity can become a forum for researchers at Undip and other stakeholders who dives / engages in the research that related to tropical and coastal areas.

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